Life story


The story of life remained untold,
Days kept passing, breath kept going on!
What is the meaning? Words remained unsaid,
Those which were pulled from the treasury remained stretched,
Pain turned into tears and flowed away,
Sun kept setting, shade kept trickling!

When the flute played in the bower of imagination,
Moonlight trembled in the darkness
Don't ask what happened to life then,
The fire kept extinguishing, the fire kept burning!

Whatever burned, the evil dug into the dust,
The mind did not become gold,
the body was scorched,
the body was strangled,
When did the sky bow,
when did the caravan stop,
The conflict continued,
the pain kept growing!

Whether it was about faith or should I say respect,
I wanted a glimpse of life in the song,
The instrument is not decorated,
the flute is not played,
The fingers kept fidgeting on the strings like this!

And what's more, even that did not become mine,
I kept my eyes closed, it did not become a dream!
The moon held the intoxicated cup of the sky,
The night kept passing, the night kept passing!

I do not know that I am not the shore,
No, the flow of water has stopped somewhere!
In the search of some wave,
The moment of reaching the bottom of the ocean kept getting postponed!

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day ☺️🙏. @vikbuddy

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