Just an illusion


In the eagerness of youth,
The mistake that is made sometimes.
The memory of it throughout life,
Burns my heart
Leaving the bitterness of reality,
How can I see the future.
How long should I cover the cruelty of my loved ones with dreams

Hundreds of storms of destruction,
Sleep in this heart
Such soft vibrations also,
Occur in this heart
How much more should we appreciate the harmony of life
Your eyes are half open,
Our desires are half blooming

Who knows how much tenderness,
Is stored in my heart,
But your ruthless glory,
Still deprived of it
You are a neutral mountain range,
I am pure like a honey-sprinkler.
The more ruthless you are,
the more tender I am
Trust me,
In the cry of my sighs
Trust me,
In the innocence of my pain
Don't put a blanket of laughter,
On the dead body of desires.
Trust me,
In the infancy of my sighs

By decorating death on my lips,
I will entertain life
Even if you give me poison,
I will drink it silently
You keep watching silently,
There will not be even the slightest pain
The stillness will become unshakeable,
With the tenderness of the night,
The gentle union of the day
This evening will constantly weave,
With its rays,
The glow of the evening is spread over the darkness surrounding the pupil

Under the yellow eyelids,
How much redness is contained
In the fiery forest of youth,
The graceful creepers of flame.
After showering embers of flowers,
I fear they may get extinguished.

The transience of life,
Laughing by touching
On the flame of dawn,
The moths of the stars burn.
Becoming limited to infinite,
Is the sequence of desires,
Eternal thirst is eternal life,
Contentment is an illusion.

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day 😊🙏 @vikbuddy

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