

Ever since I have gained consciousness
I have always found her near me like a shadow
The amount of intimacy and friendship
She has with me
Perhaps she does not have that much with anyone else, that is why
she stays with me the most

She knows many other people too
She visits them too
But she is not able to stay there for long
She comes back to me again and again
Most of the time she stays with me
She does not have any big expectations from me

If she gets even nothing from me
She is satisfied
But I am not always able to do little for her
In this world of greed and money
Despite all my efforts

I am rejected every time
I am rebuked and driven away
What do I say I should explain to her
There is a wall standing in the way of all my possibilities
'Hunger' stands in front of me as a question

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day ☺️🙏. @vikbuddy

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