A compliment for boldness: That one way to lead the courage through the Sea of life.

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Don't allow yourself to be used by your emotions, allow Self love to be at the center of your strength. It doesn't mean selfishness.

Every day, you wake up with a new energy, doing your best and giving life the best of your quality. People appreciate you.

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Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you will see that no one is more beautiful, intelligent than you. Why do you think your life is not moving? You're not the worst. But among the top best; you're bosses and boss knows that.

Please keep in mind that he who die because they are blind of the feature would not have the feature even in the graveyard. So why do you think your best is not enough? I am telling you now, you're the best copy of ability.

People want to imitate that you're great potentials. People love it, they don't want you to be better and bigger than them, that's why most of these people wouldn't tell you the truth. Keep on doing that great deal, it is never a waste of time.

Do you know how many people out there that want to live your life? Why do you think you're not relevant? Let me tell you, you're more than indispensable to people.

Ignore those pains, agony, sorry anguishing, worries, and miseries. Because I know you can do this. Don't give up, I know you're strong.

You're not a weaker. Because you choose to be calm, accommodating, and nice. You're showing those who do no know how to accommodate others; the right path. Then tell me why are you feeling a fool? You're not.

There is wisdom in you that no other person can produce. Trust me friend. You can make those things happen without anyone helping you. Look deeper into that beautiful features of yours. This doesn't mean pride.

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Many people want to be proud like you. If this what pride is, remember you can't afford to miss it. See yourself as the very best in you that someone appreciates and belief you me, people do.

Why do you want to give up? Giving up means you aim to prove nothing, but allowing those mediocre around you accomplish their mental mission in your life. See yourself as a supernova. Because that is what you are.

You're taking the biggest step in that positive posture. I know you're making the right decision. I see that hope in you. Other people do the same. Know before deciding to end that life that thousands of us depends on you, we see what you're doing and truly appreciate that version of your life.

Believe you're changing that cause. That smile of yours is the best. Keep smiling, that is the right posture.

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Each day you hit on the streets, marketplaces, making sure you put food on the table, we appreciate all of those. You're the most beautiful soul on earth. I know that, just agree with me, you are. And keep it up.

Remember, if you leave that life in the middle of no where; you've not completed the mission. They know you can help them. That is why they have chosen you to take them through that path. It means you're better than they are; in that part.

They appreciate your journey, sleeplessness night with them. Even God knows, And that is why you have been taking them there. You're the one, He granted your efforts with grace. Can't you see? That patient means you're bold and obedient to achieve a greater success. Keep it up. You're the best.

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That decision you made never to go back to your ugly are the most beautiful version of you. People love it even better than they did, please don't disappoint them by losing out in the battle because your heroics and heroic power is the best in the world. Keep pushing, you didn't stand doing nothing, you pushed, just keep punching.

Trust me, you're closer to it. I'm not a motivational speaker; I'm not saying a spoken word. But out of the words that proceeds out of your mouth, are beautiful words filled with wisdom.

Let me tell you, do you know that address, speech, and articles you made, you're the best in all? Keep doing these great works, people are reading your Worth and it is changing lives.

That compliment you gave to someone yesterday helped him to grow. Don't stop, just know it is too late for you to exhibit negative energy now. I know you don't have such time for negativity, keep on with that fantastic positivity.

For your ways are not the ways of another because people want to know the way; and only your ways; can lead them. Holding their hands, there wasn't a waste.

That cup of water you gave to that person shows how beautiful you're inside and outside. Keep on doing it.

You're the sun that thousands of people would like to be shining on their paths. Believe me, it is true that you're a star. You're shining, brightens up many smiles.

And they love the joy they get staying around you. They can't afford to be stranded. Because you've never been stranded with the qualities they never had in them.

I could keep on counting and counting, but world can't express it because your qualities are countless, filled with courage, people know all these about you. Don't disappoint us at this finishing point of it.

I know you're the right person in that relationship, keep making it work. You have done enough but not more than enough he knows, even God knows. Keep pushing it with that beautiful smile and energy.

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Without you, many of us out there would be lost and gone. Just because you are there; that's why we are here. We know that's why we can't leave you. It Worth calling it more than enough. But please do not call it yet. Because we know you're the best.

I see that energy of a mother in you. That pacify strength of a good father and brother; that stand for good significance, a sister that they would never have in any other person. That is why your push is truly leading you in the right direction.

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