Is it hard to Say Goodbye?

Welcome back,

In today's blog, I will talk about saying good bye and it will not be related to a relationship but we will talk in general about saying good bye to someone. So let me ask this to all of you, Is it really hard to say Good bye? What do you think about that.

Being Sad


So being sad is the common feeling we all go through when we are saying goodbye. We cry when it is the permanent goodbye for example when a person leaves this world and goes to heaven is when we all cry. That is the reality of life and the toughest goodbye in my opinion.

You ask me the reason why? It's because there is no coming back in this case. So here being sad is something natural and we should not regret about our feelings.

Cherish the memories


The memories remain, that is what I always say to support those who have lost someone beautiful. Take example of a pet who is no more, you still have the memories you build together all the time that pet was with you.

Tale example of saying goodbye to our School, it is difficult but there the memories stay with us forever and we should cherish those memories and feel good about the process of life.

Yes, it is hard to say goodbye


Now, if you ask me whether it is hard to say goodbye, I will answer, yes. When we love someone and dream of living the entire life with them, telling them goodbye can be the most difficult thing in our entire life. There are few who moves on but there are so many who end up destroying their life.

While it is hard to say goodbye, we should remember that it is not impossible to do so and when something has happened, and you can't do anything about it then it is better in that case to try to live your life for yourself.

Teach yourself, prepare yourself before the situation arises.

Thank You

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