The Day Politics Turned Deadly. Trump's 2024 Rally, July 14th

I never thought that American politics would literally turn into a battlefield. Yet, a stunning assassination attempt has just struck former President Trump. What happened is unbelievable, and it leaves me angry and deeply saddened.

When I first heard about this, I couldn't believe it. Trump, shot at a rally? It can't get any more unimaginable than that.

Then, as details began to surface, it hit me just how serious it all really was. Not only had Trump been injured in the attack, but during the crossfire, an innocent firefighter lost his life. My thoughts are with his family. What's it like to go to a political event and end up never going home? Tragic does not even begin to explain it.

I'll give President Biden credit where it's due: he addressed the nation quickly. His speech did resonate with me. He is right; we have got to cool things down and remember that, after all, we are all Americans.

But I hope it’s not a case of too little, too late.

Years on now, political temperatures have been at toxic levels, with each side portraying the other as the enemy. I think we all bear some responsibility for letting things get this heated.

It's insane to think about how we got here.

The riot at the Capitol, the attacks on the family members of politicians, the escalation of violence has been building. In many ways, it feels like a point of no return. I worry about what it bodes for the upcoming election and for our democracy in general. Will it ever be possible again for candidates to have open events? It’s just depressing to consider the campaigns being done entirely behind bulletproof glass.

I have mixed feelings about Biden's call for unity. On the one hand, that is exactly what we need right now. Part of me wonders, however, if it’s even possible to bridge the divide at this point. The two sides seem to live in completely different realities these days.

Hopefully, I am wrong, but I am beginning to fear that this tragedy will further entrench people in their respective positions.

One thing is for sure: we can't go on like this.

Something’s got to give. Maybe this will be the wake-up call we need to step back from the brink and remember our common humanity. But, difficult though it is to accept, I think things might get worse before they get better. All I know is that tonight, I’m going to hug all my loved ones closer and pray hard for healing for our nation. We are better than this, America. At least, I hope we still are.

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