Update On My Hive Goals For 2024

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Happy Saturday everyone! Since it is Saturday I'm going to do a post for the #SaturdaySavers . I started to put these together starting a few weeks ago to help keep track of where I am. This week hasn't been too bad in terms of gains towards my yearly goals. Just like always I produced an original header for this post. I've been using AI to help produce them and it's always interesting to see what churns out. I've been amazed at how often AI manages to misspell words, it makes me wonder about the intelligent part at times... What do you think of today's creation? At least it spelled things right this time!

Hive Power

This year I set a goal for myself to reach 5K Hive Power as organically as possible. I wanted to prove to myself that it can be done with hard work, plus if I can pull it off anyone can. I started the week with 2955 HP and this week I have put in a bit of push by powering up 25 Hive taken from HBD earnings, bringing my total up to 3036, a gain of 76! I was thrilled to finally pierce through that 3K level, it made me feel like the goal is still within reach.

from hivestats.io

As you can see the chat continues to show upward momentum!


My secondary goal is to reach 50K PIMP this year. Last week I stared with 20947 of staked PIMP and as of today I have 21705 staked PIMP, a net gain of 758 over the last week. I am closing in on the 25K level so I am almost half way there! I'll continue to buy chunks of it when the price is right and having it staked also gives me daily PIMP earnings.

I know I have mentioned it in the past, but PIMP is the only token on Hive backed up by physical silver which means it will always have value.


I have continued to increase my HSBI shares this week. I started the week with 1736 HSBI and today I have a balance of 1805, so 69 more than last week. Not too bad! My goal for the year is to reach 2000 which I should easily achieve. It's nice getting some modest upvotes on my posts. I continue to giveaway ten HSBI a week in my giveaway and I also sponsor 13 weekly in the Shadow Hunters contest. Not to mention I do also sponsor one unit for the winner of the Three Tune Tuesday contest and three more to the winner of the #NintiesFriday contest as well.

If you are interested in entering my weekly ten HSBI giveaway you can to so by visiting my post here:


And if you want more information on HSBI I did publish a starter guide some time back which you can access here:


I am continuing to delegate HP to @empo.voter to generate PWR tokens. This week I I have reached 1.172 PWR despite not having increase my delegation. I really want to up it a bit, but I have a couple other delegation that are higher on my list at the moment. Eventually PWR holders will receive Hive dividends for holding the tokens and that is always a very good thing in my eyes.


I added about 20K SIIM this week to bring my balance to 32.6K. What I like about it is that it pays out liquid Hive dividends daily. I'll likely continue to pick up more if I find some good prices.

Other Tokens

I continue to earn daily BRO, although I don't plan on buying more at this point. I have been picking up DAB/DBOND when I find a good price. I also am continuing to mine for EDS and will pick up some more EDSMM if I can find a good deal.


I continue to hold some silver, and the prices this week have gone up quite a bit. In my opinion it is still very undervalued and we could test some new all time highs this year.

If you are interested in precious metals ask me about #silvergoldstackers , it's a great place to learn about them and share them as well!

That will do it for my #SaturdaySavers post for the week. I think things are moving along well, and it sure will feel good to reach these goals! If you have any question or comments please feel free to leave them below. Have a great weekend!

And since I am posting in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take some time today to be kind. A little kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life. Please check out the community and consider joining us!

And my disclaimer:

I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice, please always do your own research before spending your hard earned money.


If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

This is a newer project trying to help new Hive members grow and stay with us here on our platform, feel free to ask if you are interested

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