Silver Striker Token from Luxor, Las Vegas / Re-blog lottery

Since it Thursday once again it's time to share another one of my Silver Striker casino tokens. Today I felt like going with a token from Luxor, Las Vegas, no particular reason except it has a great Egyptian theme. For those of you that are unfamiliar with these tokens they are given out as prizes in Silver Striker slot machines in casinos. Some are bronze, but the ones I collect are pure silver in the center surrounded by a brass ring. Not many of these slot machines are still being used if any at all, so these tokens are becoming more collectible since few if any are being produced anymore.

About the token:
Luxor Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

These tokens are fun to collect as there are so many different ones that were produced over the years. The best part about these is that they are produced with 99.9% pure silver. It makes them great for collecting or silver stacking as each one contains around 0.6 Troy ounces of silver. The best place to pick them up is usually eBay not the slot machines assuming you could even find one these days!

This particular token has King Tut's (Tutankhamun) funerary mask that was found with his mummy when the tomb was discovered. Howard Carter was the archeologist who located the tomb in 1922, which had remained undisturbed since his burial mainly because it had been buried by debris from construction of another nearby tomb after his burial. His tomb was filled with priceless gold artifacts of which the most prized was his mask made of pure gold. It took years of careful cataloging each artifact before they actual sarcophagus was opened.

King Tut's funerary mask
Howard Cater examining the mummy of King Tut in 1925

The actual temple of Luxor was built around 1400 B.C.E. on the east side of the Nile River in Thebes, Egypt. Much of the construction was done under Ramesses II and Tutankhamun. It was dedicated to Kingship rather than a particular god and is thought to have been a possible site of coronations in ancient Egypt. There is still much of the temple still standing although over 3500 years it has been damaged by the elements as well as by humans as nearby settlement were built over the millennia. Below I have included some pictures of the ruins of the temple site.
The temple's front entrance
Temple ruins with a working mosque in the background
One of many statues of Ramesses II

The monuments they were able to build in ancient Egypt are astounding. The sandstone to build these wonders was transported long distances on boats to reach the construction sites where skilled laborers produced temples and the pyramids as well. I have included some links below in references if you want to read more in detail about them.

And since I am posting in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take some time today to be kind. A little kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life. Please check out the community and consider joining us!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my post. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments please feel free to leave them below. Have a great day and keep on stacking!

And my disclaimer:
Gold and silver collecting and stacking can be a fun hobby but isn't for everyone. You can lose money. I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't financial advice, please always do your own research before spending your hard earned money.

All pictures are mine unless otherwise noted.


Re-blog lottery

Now for the winner of the re-blog lottery! Today we had 38 people who re-blogged my post, thank you so much! The people who re-blogged were:


Voluntary daily reminder list for those who request to be on it: @ganjafarmer and @sayury
If you want to be added to the list as well just feel free to ask!

Thank you everyone! I have been working to improve my engagement and all of you have really helped out! If you have any recommendations or suggestions please feel free to let me know. I'm always looking to improve my posts.

Good luck to everyone!

And the Wheel of Names results:
Winner #1:

Winner #2:

Congratulations @jhonnygo you have won three HSBI units and @monsterbuster you have won 2 HSBI units!

Now for today's re-blog lottery! You just need to re-blog my post you will be placed on the Wheel of Names for a spin to possibly win up to 5 HSBI units! New twist, one winner on the first spin wins 3 HSBI, and a second spin for a chance for 2 HSBI, so two possible winners or one really lucky one could win both spins! An upvote is not required but is always greatly appreciated. Bots aren't allowed to win the prizes. Contest ends at 14:00 (2 PM) California Pacific time tomorrow. If I somehow missed your re-blog please let me know and I'll add you to the next draw.

What are HSBI units? They are units that you can purchase to sponsor someone and you in turn receive a unit as well. This way we both benefit! They give you occasional upvotes on your posts for a lifetime, and the more you accumulate the more often you receive upvotes and the bigger they can be. You can read some more here:


If you have more questions feel free to ask.

If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

This is a new group focusing on on boarding and retaining new Hive members. Feel free to ask how you can help out!

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