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Motivational Monday


Hello everyone!

Today I would like to participate in the motivational Monday prompt of the #freecompliments community. It has been a while since I participated but as I have some spare time today, I would like to grab the opportunity. As you probably already know by now, by posting articles in the #freecompliments community, you got a chance to earn one or more hsbi. Thus if you want to accumulate more hsbi, it's definitely a great opportunity! But now, about the topic of the day: Motivation.

Come for the rewards, stay for the community

It's a saying which is often quoted on Hive. It's true for me as well. I discovered Hive through Splinterlands. I was bored and searched for a new game as I discovered play2earn games. First I saw Axie Infinity but at that time I discovered it, you had to do a relatively big investment to be able to earn something. As I was new to web3, I didn't want to invest (big) so I searched for something else and found out about Splinterlands. I bought a spellbook and started playing. After several weeks, I found out about Hive. When I saw all the huge upvoted articles, I thought it would be great to earn as much. Ofcourse reality kicked in early and I thus didn't earn that much. I've had periods of time with more and less activity.

But the last year, was definitely my most active one. It made me reflect why I am putting so much time in a platform on which I earn some pennies but definitely not as much as a normal job would pay me. Well, the answer is in the title, I came for the rewards but stayed for the community. Although some rewards are definitely great! I enjoy Hive's ecosystem and earning some pennies is a great extra.

When I think about where I spend most of my time in terms of time spent on Hive, it's WOO and threads of the Inleo platform. I'm a long time supporter of the WOO game, so it's quite logical I spend a lot of time on it. Especially as there's an ongoing tournament in which the number 1 could win about 100 Hive. The other part are threads. For those not aware, on Inleo you can thread, it's kind of similar to X (former Twitter) but powered by the Hive blockchain. The biggest advantage of threads to me, is that there is way more engagement compared to longform posts. The people active on threads are engaging a lot! There's a great extra as well on threads which is the ability of earning some $LEO and $HIVE. Thus my question would be: why aren't you threading?

I will definitely try to motivate you through the same reason as what's motivating me: engagement with the community.

Thanks for reading and see you on threads soon! ;)

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