Unlearning, relearning, and alignment

It is easier to learn than to unlearn, relearn, and align oneself the right way. Many people choose what feels good to them, even if it's not the right thing. It can be very difficult for a woman to let go of something that pleases her, even if it may not be the right thing. Once a woman attaches her emotions to something, it's not easy for her to give it up, whether it's right or wrong. This is a natural aspect of a woman's nature. Therefore, parents, guardians, husbands, brothers, and friends should be cautious about what they expose their daughters, wives, sisters, and female friends to. It's important to thoroughly verify before making decisions that involve females.
For the male gender, their rationality sometimes helps them to break out of what they may come to realize is not the real thing or the right thing- their strength also lies in there.

Just the other day, I visited an elderly female friend and discussed something that she had embraced, which I believed was not right. I took the time to explain my concerns, drawing from my own experiences and knowledge of the potential negative impacts in the long run. The issue was her mistaking spiritism for Christianity.


Spiritism is a belief system that emphasizes communication with spirits, reincarnation, and spiritual evolution through mediums, séances, and spiritual practices. It is distinct from mainstream Christianity and other major religions.

Christianity, on the other hand, is a monotheistic faith based on the belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Son of God, the Bible as authoritative scripture, and salvation through faith in Jesus' death and resurrection. Its core values are love, forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life with God.

My friend was so zealous and dedicated to spiritism that she was confident, blind, and proud that it was the right way to follow. She believed that she was serving a God who acted very quickly. As I listened to her, I realized that she had been exposed to this system at a young age, and it had become a stronghold for her. She openly told me that she loved me because she saw me as a real Child of God, but she did not entertain anyone who tried to preach to her. She would close every door against such a person in anger and never want to see them again. Her expression was a combination of emotions and ignorance. I was careful not to say anything further and just let her be for a while as I thought of a better way to help her, by God's grace.

There are many mistakes people make in mistaking spiritism for Christianity, such as:

Confusing spiritual gifts with mediumship, misunderstanding Jesus' role, equating reincarnation with resurrection, ignoring spiritism's pantheistic views, and overlooking the Bible's authority. The key difference is that spiritism focuses on spirits, while Christianity focuses on Jesus Christ.

This encounter made me understand that what a person spends years believing shapes their life, and if you try to take it away, it feels like you are an assassin trying to kill them. Unless these individuals are willing to unlearn and relearn, they can never align with the right thing. They are unknowingly in the bondage of fear, and they mistake their material blessings, achieved through hard work and God's grace, as evidence that they are on the right path. Just because you are successful in the wrong way, ignorantly, does not make the wrong right. Similarity does not imply sameness.

When I asked a friend how I could help a spiritist, he shared a few tips with me: build a respectful relationship, share a personal testimony, highlight Jesus' teachings of love and forgiveness, explain Jesus as the Savior and Son of God, and invite them to explore the Bible and church. He advised me to pray, be sensitive, and focus on Jesus' love.

I love telling people about Jesus Christ and not religion. Why? Because Jesus Christ is for the world, whereas religion is limited by man's traditions and culture. Christians follow Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ is not limited to Christianity; He is for the world. Therefore, people anywhere can receive the life of God through Christ.
Any Jesus presented to anyone that is limited by Man's traditions and culture is not the ANOINTED JESUS (CHRIST JESUS) but THE RELIGIOUS JESUS.
It is this same religious Jesus that many follow, even under the umbrella of spiritism.
For total liberation from religious fallacies, one must be willing to unlearn, relearn, and align with the right way."

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