Life is Short

It took me falling sick twice in the space of two months to realize that life was too short to be stuck in one way of doing things. The new friends I made in the city of Neoxian have tried a couple of times to get me to do nonfiction posts and I always declined. It is not because I have a lot of pride, I just wanted to have a niche blog. Something to make my audience know me. I did not want them to second-guess what my blog was about. So, it was perfect for me to stick to writing fiction and short stories even when my introduction post had stated clearly that I had lots of other writing interests.

But I fell sick.


It was surprising and you might say it’s the weather or like most people say, it is the AA gene that is the cause, but this is the first time I have experienced such a thing.

While I lay covered in my sheets, not being able to say more than a few words in the city at a time, I understood what dying felt like. You are welcome to say that this is my greatest surprise when it comes to how life works.


You may have heard a couple of times that life is short so make the most of it, I hadn’t gotten this close to dying enough to make sense of all of that. To shock you more, I have been a bit friendly with Bradley on threads lately and every time he talks about his late wife, I am moved to remember I am still very heal.

Just maybe, meeting him and talking to him frequently during this period of my illness was important to the alignment of my stars on the planet. It could be that fate was trying to pass a message. One that I had not allowed myself to learn regardless of how many times other people tried to draw my attention to it.

My greatest surprise thus far is that I am still very young. I have a lot of potential and death can come knocking at anytime. So, it is better to stop trying to do things from one angle and experiment with other ones. I may not know where it will lead but I will never know if I don’t allow myself to take the risk and step out of my comfort zones, especially those imaginary worlds I often create in my stories.

It might surprise you as it did me that life continues regardless of what happens to us. The last 7 days, I watched as time passed by slowly, my friends chatting away, winning contests, and breaking boundaries while I kept answering questions like, how are you feeling now? Have you had medications? Did you get tested?

You see, they care. I know they do. But they have their own lives to live. So even if my life stops, theirs will continue. They will feel sad for a while but the gravity of the challenges that life throws at them won’t let them dwell on my problems longer than necessary. And I would not blame them. We have our fair share of troubles. It does not matter who is dying and who is not, the living will continue to live until they are called to glory.

I understand at the end of life, I will not regret the things that I did but the ones I did not do. Moving on, I will take up any shape and form that the moment requires. If that means writing more nonfiction and less fiction, I will do it. If it means stepping out of my comfort zone and taking up challenges, I will do it.

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