Mastering Battles with Super Speed | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Hey, Splinterlands warriors! I’m sure you’re familiar with the thrill of battles in this game, but today I want to share an exciting match I recently had, which highlighted just how crucial speed is in a fight. Before jumping in, I have to admit—I’m always curious about new strategies that can outsmart opponents, especially when playing with different rule sets each time. So, I decided to try out a team that focused on speed. My hope? To take down my enemies before they could even react!

My Team Ready for Battle

I chose Quix the Devious as my main Summoner. Quix’s strength lies in his ability to reduce the opponent’s speed and ranged attacks by 1 point. This was a big help in slowing down the enemy, especially if they relied on quick strikes or ranged attackers.

My team lineup consisted of:

  • Noa the Just (lv 2) with Rust ability to strip away the opponent's armor, boasting a speed of 6 points. He was my first pick to ensure that enemy armor would be worn down quickly.
  • Djinn Oshannus (lv 3), the resilient one with Void, Phase, and Forcefield. With a speed of 5, he was able to dodge several attacks.
  • Chaos Dragon (lv 3), armed with Flying, Scattershot, Blast, and Blind. Though his speed was only 3, his area attacks often turned the tide in chaotic situations.
  • Night Reaper (lv 2) with Flying and Wingbreak and a speed of 4. His ability to neutralize enemy Flying made him very handy against evasive opponents.
  • Pelacor Bandit (lv 7), a speedy attacker with Flying and Sneak, and a speed of 5, ready to target the opponent’s backline.
  • Void Dragon (lv 3) with Flying, Void, and Phase. With a speed of 5, he could avoid many magic attacks aimed his way.

My Opponent’s Team: A Strong Defense

On the other side, my opponent picked Franz Rufmane as their Summoner, who could add 1 armor point and bring gladiator monsters into the fight. Their team was a mix of tanks and support:

  • Arkemish the Bear (lv 1) with Protect and a speed of 2, placed in the front to absorb damage.
  • Drybone Raider (lv 2) with Double Strike and Shatter. Though his speed was only 2, he packed a punch.
  • Scavo Hireling (lv 3), focusing on Repair with a speed of 3.
  • Olivia of the Brook (lv 2) with Opportunity and Mimic, targeting my weaker monsters with a speed of 3.
  • Tatiana Blayde (lv 1), the gladiator with Close Range and Bloodlust, ready to dominate if left unchecked.
  • Venari Marksrat (lv 4), with Martyr, adding boosts to nearby allies when defeated.

The battle took place with the Super Sneak and Born Again rule sets and a 50 mana cap. Elements allowed were Life, Water, Death, and Dragon—a setup that promised both challenges and excitement, especially when monsters could attack from any position.

Round 1: Attack and Defense

The battle began with my team’s magic attacks focusing on Arkemish the Bear in the front line. Thanks to Void and high speed, Void Dragon managed to dodge some attacks from the enemy team. Meanwhile, Pelacor Bandit kept targeting the backline with Sneak. Right from the start, I could see how crucial speed was in dodging enemy attacks aimed at my main monsters.

Round 2: Turning the Pressure Up

The relentless magic strikes soon took down Arkemish the Bear, who couldn’t withstand the barrage. With the tank gone, the enemy’s front line began to crumble. Meanwhile, Chaos Dragon's Blast ability further weakened their formation by hitting multiple targets at once. At this point, I started feeling more confident, though I knew the fight was far from over.

Round 3: Speed Wins the Day

In this round, speed really made a difference. Venari Marksrat, Olivia of the Brook, and Scavo Hireling were all taken down, largely due to Chaos Dragon’s Blast ability. With several of their key supporters out of the way, I became more certain that my speed-focused strategy could carry me to victory.

Round 4: Tatiana Blayde's Last Stand

With only Tatiana Blayde and Drybone Raider left, the opposing team seemed cornered. However, Tatiana with her Bloodlust and boosted stats from Martyr still managed to take out my Void Dragon. It was a tense moment, as her power grew with each successful attack, but I stayed focused on using my speed advantage.

Round 5: A Sweet Victory

At last, only Tatiana Blayde remained on the battlefield. Even with her increased strength from Bloodlust, she couldn’t withstand the combined attacks of Djinn Oshannus, Night Reaper, and Chaos Dragon. Surrounded and outnumbered, she fell in the fifth round, securing my team’s win.

For the full battle replay, you can watch it here:


Reflection and Lessons from This Battle

This match taught me that speed truly is a game-changer in Splinterlands. The higher speed of my monsters allowed them to evade crucial attacks, especially when the opponents couldn’t keep up with the pace. The speed debuff from Quix the Devious was incredibly effective in slowing down the enemy’s tempo. Even powerful monsters like Tatiana Blayde struggled when their speed couldn’t match that of my team. The takeaway? Never underestimate the power of speed in a fight, especially when facing rule sets that allow for attacks from all directions.

In the end, this battle was a reminder that a well-balanced team isn’t always about having the strongest or most durable monsters—sometimes, it’s about being just a little faster than your opponent. And trust me, in Splinterlands, that makes all the difference.

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