There is something I will like us to explore. That is the Power of Tongue. The theme of this program is "Walking in the Light as a Church". I considered it wise to start the program with a topic I captioned, "The Power of Tongue". I am not going to talk about "speaking in tongues" which is the gift of the Holy Spirit, rather I am going to talk mainly on the very organ, "tongue".

What is tongue?
I looked into the dictionary app I have and discovered the following definitions:

  1. Tongue [n.]: an organ situated in the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates and connected with the hyoid arch.
  1. Tongue [n.]: The power of articulate utterance; speech.
  1. Tongue [n.]: Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
  1. Tongue [n.]: Speech; words or declarations only; -- opposed to thoughts or actions.


Therefore, I will use the definition of number four as the meaning which brings out what I have in mind. So, the "Power of tongue" talks about "the Power of Speech, Words or Declaration". Whether written or spoken, words are powerful.

The efficacy of tongue is both negative and positive. Words can build or destroy. Trace every war you have heard of, you will discover the cause is Word, or Declaration by the leader of the group or nation.


Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell (James 3:5-6).

Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile (Psalm 34:13).

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles (Proverbs 21:23).

My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit (Job 27:4).

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
(1 Peter 3:10).


The Bible talks about tongue as a "little member, and boasts great things". As small as the organ is, it can kindle a nation, family, clan, village in a physical unquenchable fire outbreak.

Tongue can be used positively or negatively depending on the operator. Everyone of can speak, use his or her tongue to express opinions -- mind how you use your tongue.

The Bible says, whoever understands to handle his tongue can save his or her soul from troubles of all kinds.

Some people take pride in gossip, backbit, blackmail. Such will plan a setup to trap someone who is successful.
The Bible talks about Jezebel setting up a group of people who will witness against Nebot in 1 Kings 21:1-25. So, some people can conspire against an innocent soul, even put such to the grave without remorse.

Some maybe scandal, others gossip, backbit or blackmail. Sometimes, these people may be your colleagues, your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, even your fellow pastors. This happened to me live when I was transferred to a station before my retirement. I slept outside, on the open field for five weeks without bordering the man I came to replace. The pastor was the one who scandalized my name that I was the who planned for his transfer. The accusation I knew nothing about. I was blackmailed. It took many months, up to a year and six months to correct.

If we need to grow our church, denomination or organization, we must mind what we say about our leaders. For instance, if you talk ill of the pastor in charge of local church to the people outside your local church, can you still invite such people to your program?

Since you don't invite them to listen to your pastor, how will the church grow? In other words, we are the destroyers of the church growth.


Sometimes when you discover that you will be misunderstood. You just keep mute as Jesus Christ did before Pilate. Reason was that, when Jesus Christ said, destroy this house, I will build it up in three days. They misunderstood him, thinking he was talking about the physical temple built by Solomon the king. They shouted, blasphemy! blasphemy!! They decided to kill Him. So, when Pilate was asking Him series of questions, He kept mute.

I terribly suffered when I have not learned the need of keeping mute. I asked a question in one of ministers' conferences. I asked to know the measure or criteria the authorities of my church use in transferring a minister from one church to another. I didn't know that I have gone into their black book. Unfuturnately, I wrote for transfer because I had been in that location for Nine years. I was transferred to a local church which was three times below where was. That was where I slept outside and my belongings with my wife and children slept outside.

When I confronted the power that be then, I was reprimanded and warned that he will show me the other side of him. He transferred me again to smaller sized church.

So, I learnt my lesson. It is better to be silent, mute to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
(1 Peter 3:10).

The Bible says, if you love your life, and you need success, you should mind your tongue.
Life and death are in your tongue.

Determine like Job on how you must manage your tongue for good. Your success and failure are in your tongue.

My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit (Job 27:4).



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