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THE POWER OF APOLOGY: Ecclesiastes 10:4



Apology [n.]: An acknowledgment intended as an atonement for some improper or injurious remark or act; an admission to another of a wrong or discourtesy done him, accompanied by an expression of regret SOURCE.

The simple sentence "I am sorry" can be so powerful. Therefore, it is not good to overlook it. In everything we do with anybody, we need to apply this simple sentence. I have discovered that apology is the hardest thing with anyone whose ego is high. Pride goes with destruction.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Some people may boldly say, "I will not say sorry", instead let the worst happen.

A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit (Proverbs 29:23).


Relationship are not sweet and honey or roses🌹 🌹 🌹 every day. Some days, it is full of disappointment; bitterness; misunderstandings; quarrels; and bullying.
Sometimes! It can result to fight or calling each other unnecessary nicknames. My own neighbor, the couple I know very well will be used as an illustration to portray this point.

This couple married and have lived for some couple of years. Their union has produced four kids: two boys and two girls. A period in their marriage reached, and the man began to behave as if he has started to take drugs. He started beating his wife on any little misunderstanding, which he usually overlooked earlier. They began to quarrel over any big or small thing.

The woman ran back to her parents after a sever brutal beating for safety. The woman decided that she would never return to the man, no matter what? But see the power of apology, when the man began to beg for mercy, he applied every bit of method to proof his remorse. He said "I am sorry" countless times. He sent so many people to beg the woman and her parents for forgiveness.


Sometimes, apology may not be real, rather a deceit. Can you believe that this man who was sending delegates to plead for him had a terrible agenda at back of his mind.

At a time, he said to my own ears, "I will do anything to get my wife back, but after I will practically kill her".
I couldn't believe what he said. I called the lady and narrated to her what her husband told me when he was showing his grievances. I warned her to be more careful.

After series of concerned people's plead over the reconciliation. The lady accepted to go back at least for the sake of her four kids.

The man declared surplus, entertainment, ceremony all over, for the joy over his wife's return. But those things were in pretense.

Some weeks after the ceremony, he came out in his full plans. He started again to find faults as a base. Of course, you know when you are in search of faults, you must see faults.

Fight resulted again, it was really to kill the woman. The woman escaped to hospital with the help of some neighbors around, who took her to hospital without her own notice because she was already unconscious. Surely, she later survived. She is back, not to her husband's house. Her husband is still in detention at the police custody.


Even if your parents or your children wrong you, and come to their senses like the prodigal son did, accept them back, just as the father of the prodigal son did also (Luke 15:11-25).

You can gain back your children or parents with soft words instead of harsh approach. My second to the last son had misunderstanding with me the other time, I furiously said to him that I have disowned him. Later I came to my senses and called him back for apology. I was the one who rendered the apology to my second to the last born. Why should I disown my own biological son? No matter what I am thinking. My own biological children are forever mine.


Our children sometimes are in disagreement with each other. Sharp misunderstanding can lead to quarrel, even fight. There is need for apology to each other.


Apology is not a bad movement. It is a sign of maturity. It is a means of subduing your ego under you. Pride cannot allow some people to say I am sorry, even if they know they are wrong. Some men will prefer gifts to their wives instead of "I am sorry". Some seniors at a working place will prefer heaven to fall down instead of "I am sorry". They will claim whatever they can in order to proof themselves correct/right. I regard such attitude as immaturity. A matured person will easily say "I am sorry" without feeling big or small about it.


This is a very big question. It needs everyone to make his or her comments base on your own understanding. But my own opinion, it doesn't fail. Though the offended may not accept the apology at first, yet he will reason to it and consider some certain things.


Surely, the efficacy of apology cannot be over emphasized. The importance also is superb. The resultant effect is always beneficial. Don't overlook apology at anytime.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent (Revelation 3:19)


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