TEENS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 16 // SUNDAY, 20TH OCTOBER, 2024, 100% unique, free from AI contents/plagiarism


Pilate asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Though, at that pivotal moment, Pilate was starring Truth in the eyes. Yet, sadly, he failed to recognize Him. Today it is the same mistake people make. Jesus Christ came to earth and offered Himself as a sacrifice so we would have a way to come to God, discover His truth, and experience eternal life. Unfortunately, most people respond to truth as Pilate did — walking on without looking closer or allowing Christ’s love to change their lives. The prevailing attitude today is that truth and morals are relative — that we determine for ourselves what’s true and right. Anyone who presumes to know absolute morality is considered judgmental or bigoted. This is the world in which you and your students must live every day. These kinds of relativistic attitudes are often promoted at school, at work, in entertainment, and among friends and peers. It can be an ongoing challenge to Christians, who know that God has established the rules of truth and morality. Though the world has changed dramatically over the past two thousand years, Pilate’s question is as relevant today as it ever was. And the answer remains the same: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). It’s a message your students must hear and understand so they, in tum, can respond to Christ and communicate His life-giving truth to others




Deut 32:4: John 14:6; 17:17; 18:37-38; Rom 1:18-20; 2:13-15; James 1:17


THE ONLY TRUTH - Confronting Moral Ethical Pluralism (Part 1)


Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32 NIV).


  1. Read or have a volunteer read John 18:37-38. How do you define truth? Where do you get your view of truth?

[Guide: Explain that a lot of people have the same attitude Pilate had. They question whether truth can be defined and choose to look at truth from a perspective that doesn’t include God.]

  1. What are some different ways people might define truth? Why might people define truth in different ways?

[Guide: Give brief descriptions of the following two models of truth:
• Objective (Absolute)
Truth Is defined by something outside of or beyond ourselves. If a person with this view regards truth as defined or determined by God, then it’s universal (the same for everyone) and absolute (in all places for all times).

• Subjective (Situational) Truth is defined by individuals or societies. It’s based on personal preferences, societal conventions, or majority Opinions. This view of truth varies and changes from culture to culture. Sometimes, no “truth” is acknowledged.)

Guide: Explain that a growing number of people today, Including people in the Church, don’t believe in absolute truth: that which is true for all people, in all places, for all time. They Say that what is true and right for one person in a particular situation may not be true and right for another person in a different situation. While this may seem to make sense on one level, it ultimately leads to many moral dilemmas


  1. What problems could arise when individuals set their own standards of truth?

[Hint: People’s preferences and opinions vary. Taken to the extreme, society would move toward lawless chaos because everyone would have a different definition of what should and shouldn’t be done.]

>>Guide: Explain that many have a view of morality called “cultural ethics,” meaning that whatever is generally accepted in society is considered normal and moral. If the majority seems to believe that something is okay, then it’s considered “right.”

  1. What’s wrong with a cultural view of ethics or morality?

[Hint: majority opinions can change. Also, many societies have conflicting values. For example, some have justified killing for the same reasons others have condemned it. It does no good to base truth and morality on the beliefs of individuals and societies because they are constantly shifting.]

  1. Why does a person’s view of truth matter?

[Hint: A person’s view affects his or her behaviour, which ultimately affects society and culture as a whole. But more importantly, a person’s view plays a big role in determining how he or she lives and where he or she will spend eternity.]

  1. What attitude should Christians have toward those who reject the Bible’s teachings?

[Hint: We should demonstrate Christ’s love, seeking opportunities to graciously communicate God’s truth.]

While those that promote tolerance and live by it talk about love, Christians must practice true love. Tolerance avoids offending people; true love promotes their good.

Tolerance says,

You must allow me to have my way.”
But love says. “I’ll plead with you to follow the right way because you’re worth the risk.” >Tolerance seeks to be inoffensive, but love takes risks.
Tolerance costs nothing, but love costs everything.


Guide: Explain that while many people today feel that truth is relative and unknowable, the Bible teaches that we can know the truth. That’s because truth is linked to a Person who walked among humanity.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read John 17:17. According to this passage, where does truth come from and where can it be found? [Hint: Truth comes from God. It can be found in His Word — the Bible.]

Guide: Explain that if there is an objective, universal standard of truth, it can’t be of human origin. Our rules, ordinances, and laws may change or expire, but absolute truth is constant. So, its source must be unchanging.

  1. Read or have volunteers read Deut 32:4; James 1:17. What do these passages tell us about God? [Hint: He is perfect and just and never does any wrong. Everything good comes from Him, and He doesn’t change.
    Explain that God’s character is consistent enough to serve as a measurement for truth. He’s the source and standard for everything that’s right. Apart from Him, there can be no absolute standards or truth.

  2. Read or have volunteers read Rom 1:18-20; 2:13-15. According to these passages, in what ways does God make Himself and His truth known to us? [Hint: His nature and His greatness are evident in creation, and His truth is evident in our consciences.]
    Briefly explain to students the following biblical view of truth:
    • Truth is revealed by God. He has made Himself known through individuals’ consciences, history, nature, and His Word. His truth is not constructed or invented by people, communities, or societies.
    • Objective truth is knowable. It’s based on God’s Word as revealed in the Bible.
    • Truth is universal. It’s true for all people, in all places, at all times. It doesn’t change from one society to another or become outdated over time.

Explain that disbelieving the truth doesn’t make it false and believing a lie doesn’t make it true.

>>Invitation Option: Read or have a volunteer read John 8:32. Explain that people who reject absolute standards often think this will give them freedom to do what they want. But real freedom comes by hearing and respecting God’s Word. When we allow God’s truth to change our lives, we will be free to live as He desires. Pray with those who want to respond to God’s truth as the Forgiver of their sins and the Leader of their lives.

>>Inspire Them:
Remind students “The Basic Message” of this study (pg 074). Point out WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson learned.

>>Ministry Activity:
Explain that some people want a “buffet style” Relationship with God — picking and choosing which portions of His truth they’ll believe and obey. But that won’t work with God. We must give ourselves completely to God and accept His truth without compromise. Have students spend a few moments in prayer, asking God to point out any areas of their lives where they might be disregarding His truth.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself...

  1. Can students describe some of the problems that arise when there are no accepted standards of truth?
  2. Do they understand that God is the source of truth?
  3. Have they had an opportunity to respond to God’s truth?

Monday: Let God Lead You – Psalms 25:5
Tuesday: Be Drawn to God – John 4:24
Wednesday: The Witness - John 18:37
Thursday: The Author of Grace and Truth - John 1:17
Friday: The Spirit of Truth - John 16:3
Saturday: Call on Him in Truth -Psalms 145:18


The original production and publication of this extracts belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available. 100% unique, free from AI contents/plagiarism.

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