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In continuation of our our last discourse on Spiritual Personal Development (SPD), we are going to look into a crucial topic under the same theme, "Patiently Endure", we will discover the source of our trials. I advise us to patiently read to the end. There are a lot to gather as knowledge.




Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. 1 Timothy 4:16.


If you wish to know how bad you can smell, forego brushing your teeth and taking your bath for a few days.


The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth (Psalm 11:5).

Who brings tests and trials into the life of the Christian? Is it God or the devil?
It is popular thinking to blame the devil for any pain or suffering we experience as Christians. And sometimes the devil is involved in our tests and trials.
However, King David had a different view of the source of trials that come to leaders in preparation for God's service. "The Lord tests the righteous” (Ps 11:5).

We can all praise God that most often we are not dealing with the devil in our trials and problems. We are dealing with God, or our own mistakes.


We can learn an important lesson from Job's sufferings and tribulations. The Bible tells us the devil obtained God's per-
mission to test Job (Job 1). But notice, Job never blamed the devil. He said, "The hand of God has touched me” (Job 19:21). Though God slays me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15).
Even though Job was being attacked by Satan, he was dealing with his God — not the devil. He refused to acknowledge Satan in any of his trials and tribulations.

It is comforting to know that God Almighty is on our side. When we place ourselves in His hand, He is always with us, no matter what the circumstances. "He will keep the temptation [test] from becoming so strong that you can't gather for good,for those that love him, and are called according to his


Peter tells us, “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to test you, as though some strange thing happened unto you" (1 Peter 4:12).
Paul writes to a developing young church leader, "All they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution"
(2 Timothy 3:12).

Jesus said, “Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
(Matt 5:10).
I remember how excited I was at twenty five years of age when I finally surrendered my life to the call of our Lord Jesus Christ for His service. I thought the Lord and I would set the world "on fire" single handed.
Not many months passed before I realized I had “a tiger by the tail.” It was scaring the wits out of me to hold on, but if I let go, it would be certain disaster. God had locked me into a program of preparation for ministry that led to —
TROUBLE. And I couldn't escape it. I felt like Paul, “a prisoner of Jesus Christ” (Eph. 3:1).


In the midst of the test and turmoil coming my way, the Almighty God gave me much encouragement these promises, "... they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; ... (Isaiah 40:31). "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings"
(Deuteronomy 32:11).

These two verses helped me through the problems and discouragement. To fully appreciate the marvelous comfort of these promises, one needs to know something about the mother eagle — and her method of raising and training her young.

The eagle builds her nest in lofty crags, high on the side of a mountain. She weaves
together prickly branches from briar and thorn bush to form strong interlocking structure for her eggs. Soft materials combined with feathers plucked from her own breast line the nest. This forms an inviting shelter for her young.


Once hatched, the eaglets dwell high above all harm in
warm comfort, The mother eagle feeds, protects and sees to their every need.

This is the way God treats us as "babes in Christ.” We come to know the grace, love, forgiveness and abundant provision of a kind and compassionate Father.
We enjoy dwelling in a place of safety, learning from and enjoying the “sincere milk
of the word” (1 Peter 2:2).


However, there comes a time in the growing up experience
when the mother eagle, "stirred up her nest, and fluttered over her young. This means she rips out the soft feathers.

Flapping her massive wings, she blows away all the comfortable lining materials.
This exposes the eaglets to the prickly briars and thorns.
Try though they may, the eaglets can find no place of comfort. Things are crowded and uncomfortable because several junior eaglets are competing for the same space. Complaints and squawks fill
the air. Tests and trials begin to agitate the young eaglets who up to now have known
no pain.

Although the junior eaglets do not understand all that is happening to them, mother eagle has a plan. She is making the nest uncomfortable for them, so they will be willing to abandon it for flying training.

In spiritual life as well as natural life there is a principle: "No pain — no gain!” We are all like those little eaglets. Although the Bible tells us we are on a pilgrimage through a world that is not our home, we love comfort and ease.
We love to settle down by our little oasis and enjoy the dates and sunshine.
We are comfortable where we are. We do not want to move on through the wilderness experiences with their hardships, to our promised land.

We hear the Word and enjoy the preaching. Sometimes we find it down - right entertaining. Life is good and comfortable. When the Lord speaks to us, we're too distracted by our comfort to hear Him. But then God decides it is time for us to do some growing up, and things change rapidly.

Suddenly problems, pain and suffering hit us. We begin “rebuking the devil," complaining and crying, but all
to no avail.

When the pain and suffering has done its work of getting our attention, when we are again willing to wait on Him and listen to His voice,
He shows us what is next on
His agenda for us. God is going to teach us ‘..to mount up with wings as eagles".

3. Flying Lessons:

The mother eagle "takes them, bears them on her wings.”

At this point in the training process the eaglet is so happy to get out of the thorny nest, it takes little persuasion to get him to leap on mother eagle's back and fix his wings. The mother eagle begins above the valley below. "isn't this fun!"
thinks the eaglet.

"It's time to fly, little eaglet!" Without warning, mother eagle abruptly executes a diving outside loop and Junior eagle is tossed to the wind to begin flight. Terrified, the little eaglet struggles, clumsily flapping his new wings, trying desperately to control his fate. Down, down, down the eaglet plum mets to apparent imminent destruction.

Just when all hope is gone, the eaglet feels the mother's strong back coming up under its talons as she swoops under him, breaking his fall. Again he fastens his talons into his mother's strong pinions, safe once more.

Again mother eagle soars up, up, up to repeat the whole episode. Each time she falls, the eaglet learns a little more, until finally she can glide and "mount up with wings, as eagles. "How thrilling to fly on his own wings rather than on his mother's back.

Like the eaglets, we respond to God's call to the ministry, "to mount up with wings as eagles." We think this is a wonderful idea.

Before long we will be "flying high." But God mercifully hides us from anxiety, pain and suffering involved in our preparation and training. We do not understand what it will cost.

God allows uncomfortable situations to develop in our secular job or work until the pain pushes us to fully surrender and go to Bible school or seminary.

When we graduate, we optimistically launch out expecting instant success and glory. For a short time things go well; then all of a sudden the bottom falls out.

Problems erupt among the brothers and sisters. Everything starts going wrong. People who used to be our friends aren't as close anymore. We discover they withdrew from us “because they didn't want to be identified with a loser. "Does that sound familiar?" What is happening?

These adversities and troubles push us into faith growth andgreater reliance on the Holy Spirit.We're learning to mount up above all the adversities.We're learning what Paul meant,‘. having done all
to stand, stand therefore.

"When everything is falling around us, we are learning to stand on our Rock, Jesus Christ".


Father, help me to learn whatever lesson you want me to learn no matter my complains.


I sincerely appreciate you for your time. You are great! Please if you have gathered something, let's discuss it in the comment section. Waiting to see you!

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