Matthew 24 : 42- 44; 25 : 1 - 13


The easiest way to destroy a man is to make him forget his own Identity and country. The Christian life after God's own order is to live in the Consciousness of the second coming of Jesus Christ. That's the identity of every believer.

The consciousness of Baptism in the Holy Spirit becomes the next after conversion. God doesn't attend every Christian gathering. But God is obliged to attend any gathering of people filled with the Holy Spirit. The glorious manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Almighty Jehovah is always experience wherever two or three gather.



Thank God I joined the fold of Christianity earlier than now. There is a second coming of Jesus Christ. There is an end for every creature. The members of this group known as "Children of God" don't engage in every type of business. They must ask how does God Almighty see this business? Christians are known their behavior, speech and actions. They are known for their passion for souls. They are known for "everyone-win-one" campaign. When one is converted, his first assignment is to get his own convert. The era of genuine Christianity is such as what happened in one town, where a sculptor was converted, genuinely accepted Jesus Christ. He sculptured the status of Jesus Christ with passion and the portrait was so captivating, when the worshippers of a god known as Zenus saw it in a display, they went to the sculptor, offered him huge amount of money to sculpt such an image for Zenus their god. He boldly said No to them, he said, though I don't have the amount you offered me for this job, and I don't hope to have such huge amount in my entire life, but I will never use the same hand that sculptured Jesus Christ's status to sculpt Zenus'.

A producer of alcohol once offered someone a distributorship, it happens that this person lives with the consciousness of the second coming of Jesus Christ. He rejected the offer by saying "thanks for the offer, but I can't do such business, I am going somewhere better than your offer".

The message of the second coming of Jesus Christ is the message of a repeated emphasis. It is a message with sufficient warning. It is a message of consolation to believers in Christ, after gospel message, they encourage themselves with the word, "maranatha" the Lord is coming.


Nowadays , so many Christians have lost their glory. Those who knew Christianity earlier before now, will sincerely testify that we have lost our glory, rise up and take up your first zeal child of God.

in our text, we read about ten virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom. Five of them were wise while the remaining five were foolish. The wise hard another oil for their lantern, incase there a delay. But the other five virgins had none. As the ten virgins waited for the bridegroom, all of them slept, all of lantern's light went down. When there was a shout in the midnight "behold! the bridegroom cometh". Everyone of them woke up. Everyone of them trimmed up their light. Everyone of them discovered that her lantern lacked oil. The wise virgins added oil to their lanterns. The foolish had none to add to their own lantern. The foolish virgins requested to have some oil from the wise, but they received unfavourable answer. Go to the marketers and get from them our own will not serve all of us

When they went out to buy for themselves, the long waited groom came and took the virgins he saw in to the inner room. When the foolish virgins came back and discovered what happened, they knocked at the door with tears, yet the response they received was unfavourable. "I don't know you, nor what you are talking about".


  • When shall this be?
  • What shall be the signs of your coming.
  • What shall be signs of the end of the earth?

Behold the trumpet sound in middle of the night. Be careful and conscious of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lost your soul?


Come back to the consciousness of the second coming. Christianity is a contiguous religion. Whoever is converted will convert his friend or brother. Let me take a break from here. See in this platform again tomorrow or in the Air to be with the Lord Jesus Christ at the rapture of the saints.

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