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This is a personal prepared and presented lesson to my class from the Assemblies Of God Adult School Lesson 9 on September 1st, 2024.

Esau and Jacob were living together at Canaan, Mamre (Gen. 35:27). ESAU later went to mount Seir because the land could not contain them again (Gen.35:6-8).

Only JACOB dwells in Cannan (Genesis 37:1).

Genesis 29:31 to 30:24 brings the account of Jacob's growing family:

  • Full of jealousy,
  • heartache, joy, and
  • ruthless competition.
  • At the end, Rachel gave birth to Joseph and Ben-Oni
  • Story of Joseph takes the remaining of Genesis
  • It is a reminders of God's Care for His people and the Sovereignty of His plan.
  • We will see Joseph's first great trial as a result of family Malfunction, Jealousy, Malice, and Betrayal.
  • Yet the events set the stage for another wonderful,l and marvellous show of God's Power, Provision, and Promise.
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The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian (Genesis 39:2 KJV).
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God is always present with us if we have the Holy Spirit everytime.
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  1. Examine the story of Joseph and his brothers, recognizing the dangers of favouritism and bitterness within the body of Christ.
  2. Be challenged to ask God to show them if they are allowing any destructive attitudes to be active in their lives.
  3. Seek God's help for peace and perspective when faced with trials and injustices.
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A. Family Dysfunction (vv. 37:1-4).
Gen. 37:1-2 led us to another lineage of Abraham as Joseph takes central stage although he was (at that time) Jacob's youngest son.

GENESIS 29 - 30

Jacob loved Laban's daughter RACHEL, and he worked for seven years to marry her. But Laban deceived Jacob into marrying Rachel's older sister, LEAH, instead. Jacob promised seven more years of work and was allowed to marry Rachel as well.

LEAH: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun
(Gen. 35:23 (6 sons & 1 daughter). ZILPAH'S SONS: Gad, Asher (Gen. 35:26)

RACHEL: Joseph, Benjamin: (Gen 35:24). BILHAH'S SONS: Dan, Naphtali (Gen. 35:25)

  • At old age RACHEL bore Jacob and named the boy Joseph. His name meaning "May the Lord add yet another son to my family" (30:24, ŃLT),


  • Favoured Joseph above all
  • Gave him coat of many colors
  • Retains him at home for personal assistance

These led to serious family problems. 1) Leah and Rachel

  1. Jacob's own children.

Genesis 37:3 is key to this DYSFUNCTION: "Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children"


  • This garment would serve as a constant reminder to his brothers that Joseph held an elevated place in his father's heart.
  • Some commentators suggest the coat was a sign that Jacob wanted to pass family leadership to Joseph, which would only have infuriated his brothers more.
  • They ultimately grew to hate Joseph and expressed their hatred openly (verse 4).
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This is very destructive and divisive, and Scripture warns Christians against it (see James 2:1-10). In what ways might Christians show favouritism, and what damage might it do?
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B. Division over Dreams (vv. 5-11)
Verses 5 & 9 record that Joseph had twi dreams. When he told his brothers, they hated him all the more.
Joseph had dreamed he would one day rule over them (verses 6-8).


  1. Joseph's insensitivity and immaturity (v. 9-11).
  • Perhaps Joseph would have been wise to keep the dreams to himself until he better understood their meaning.
  • Always learn to be silent (quick to hear, but slow to speak).
  • Testimony is good when instructed you to share it.
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2. PLOT TO HARM JOSEPH (Gen. 37:12-20)

A. The Trap Is Set (vv. 12-20)

  • Joseph's brothers moved to Shechem (v. 12) 20 miles away, where they killed their men just two years ago and couldn't return for days. They moved to Dothan about 25 miles away.

  • To find them, Joseph had to travel far from the security and familiarity of Bethel.

  • Joseph finally located his
    brothers and the flocks in Dothan.

  • His brothers were not happy at him (v. 18), before he reached them, they have made plans to kill him.

  • His brothers mockingly called Joseph "the dreamer" as he approached (v. 19, NLT),

  • The brothers initially planned to kill Joseph and throw his
    body into a cistern (v. 20), pit or cavern hewn out of rock and used to store water. With a depth of up to twenty feet, a cistern made an excellent dungeon,

  • The brothers reasoned that they would tell Jacob a wild beast had killed Joseph.

  • Crises often challenge our faith in God's promises.
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Questions For Application
How should we interpret events that seem to contradict the promises God has given us?

How do you usually respond to challenging circumstances?
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B. Division Over Dreams - (vv.5-11)

  • Genesis 37:5,9 record the two dreams of Joseph.
  • Joseph had dreamed he would one day rule over them (verses 6-8).


  • "They hated him all the more because of his dreams and the way he talked about them".

This Suggests They Found Something Offensive In His Attitude:

  1. Choicest (loveliest) child
  2. Over Ambitious dreamer
  3. Gossiping brother
  4. Youngest and always with the father at home
  • Joseph's insensitivity and immaturity might also be indicated in his father's rebuke after Joseph related the details of his second dream (vv. 9-11).

  • The implications of Joseph's dreams upended the entire social order of the family.

  • Perhaps Joseph would have been wise to keep the dreams to himself until he better understood their meaning.

  • Always maintain your own secret to save your life.
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Questions For Application

  • Was Joseph wise to tell his family about his dreams? Why or why not?

  • Why should we use discretion when talking about God's work in our lives ?
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3. JOSEPH SOLD INTO SLAVERY (Genesis 37:28-36)

A. The Plot Begins (vv. 28--32)

  • Reuben left the scene, after Joseph was put in a pit.
  • He returned to find the cistern empty, he was distraught and filled with despair (Gen. 37:29). * He tore his clothes in grief, indicating the love and concern he felt for his father Jacob, if not his brother Joseph.
  • He lamented to his brothers, "The boy is gone! What will l do now?" (v. 30).
  • He realized he could not go home to his father without Joseph or at least a story of what had happened to him.
  • The brothers proceeded with their original plan to deceive Jacob, faking Joseph's death.
  • Now his sons slaughtered another goat to deceive
    him at their brother's expense. Remember, while this was God's chosen family, their struggles, weaknesses, and failures were all too real.
  • The brothers sent the remains of Joseph's garment to their father, insinuating a tragedy had taken place (verses 31-32).
  • "Doesn't this robe belong to your son?" (verse 32, NLT),
  • Then, displaying unthinkable cruelty, they left it to their aged father to assume Joseph had died a horrible death.

Question For Application
In what ways can you see God's mercy at work in this sad story?

B. Jacob Is Devastated; Joseph Arrives in Egypt (vv. 33-36)

  • It is difficult to imagine the agony Jacob must have felt when he recognised the torn, bloody remains of the coat he had given his beloved son Joseph (verses 33-34).

  • It is the height of hypocrisy that the brothers attempted to console Jacob rather than confessing their treachery and attempting to rescue Joseph while it remained a possibility.

  • Jacob refused to be comforted (verse 35),

  • He vowed to take his grief to the grave.

  • His sorrow is understandable given the circumstances. Grief is a natural emotion.

*Even Jesus grieved, indicating that it is in no way sinful (see John 11:32-35).

  • However, inconsolable grief is dangerous, because it can harden into bitterness against God and others.

  • Joseph would be enslaved in Egypt, but his destiny would shift dramatically through God's intervention.

  • Likewise, the people of God would be enslaved in Egypt, but God would ultimately deliver them into the Promised Land.

  • That pattern of enslavement and redemption foreshadows our own exodus from sin to eternal life through Christ. It also reminds us that God's plan for our future may be far different from whatever
    conditions we are facing today.

Questions For Application

  • Describe a time when God and others helped you through a season of grief.

  • What changes in a Christian's life when he or she recognizes God is always at work in every
    condition ?


Viewed out of context, there is not much hope or joy evident in this lesson. Maybe you could say the same about your life today. But learn this truth from the story of Joseph: In His perfect time, God will keep His promises and His plan will come to pass. As you move forward in your walk with the Lord today, have faith. The Almighty Jehovah holds your future in His hands.


Pray together that God will help you treat others equally, regardless of their status or your personal feelings.

Take the initiative to seek unity and reconciliation with a fellow believer you have misunderstandings.

Seek out someone who is going through difficult circumstances and offer to pray with them.

This is the first post to @hivewatcher for the assignment on appeal for abuse of platform's rules.


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