ASSEMBLIES OF GOD ADULT LESSON 17 // OCTOBER 27TH, 2024 (100% free from AI contents and plagiarism @revjohno.)


The builders of Tower of Babel had one goal in mind which was to glorify themselves. They said to one another "Come, let's build a great city for ourselves". if this action is done, it will make us great and famous (Genesis 11:4, NLT). They insisted in doing their own will instead of obeying God's order to scatter and fill the earth (Gen. 9:1, NLT), their plan "kept them from scattering all over the world (Gen.11:4,NLT). When God confused their language, they learned valuable lesson which we would not forget in a hurry. God's plans can never be thwarted, and His glory cannot be shared.


1 Kings 12:1--19




Whether therefore ye eat, or >drink, or whatsoever ye do, >do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV).

As a matter of fact, our actions must be to glorify God, not ourselves.
At the end of this lesson, we will be able to:

  1. Recognise the many gifts and responsibilities God has given to them and other people.
  2. Evaluate the ways they are using technology in their daily lives.
  3. Choose to express Christlike attitudes and messages in their online activity.



A. The Worldwide Platform (Exodus 31:1-5):

Statistical analysis of February 2020 shows that YouTubers uploaded over 500 video content every minute, and that brings a growth of 40% of YouTube since 2014. This sounds crazy, but it is real. Over two billion people used YouTube in 2020, and 27% of internet users worldwide watched online videos per week. Many media companies experienced explosive growth. Many new platforms are constantly created, to communicate with people. God's purpose has being that creative abilities be given people to imagine and create new technologies and methods of communication. In Exodus 31, God filled Bezalel with His Spirit, "giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts" (verse 3, NLT). Indeed, Bezalel was "a master at every craft" (verse 5, NLT). God empowered and anointed him to use his skills to lead the team that built the tabernacle and created its contents including the ark of the covenant. For generations, these objects would facilitate worship, serving as a meeting place between God and His people.

God also anoints creative people today to share the gospel and bring about positive social change via countless powerful online platforms. The message of Jesus can be quickly and inexpensively presented in a compelling way, leading millions of people to Jesus in a surprisingly simple way.

Questions For Application
What are the potential risks for Christians with an online presence? What are the potential rewards?

Do you know anyone who is anointed in online media and digital communication ? How can you encourage and support their ministry?

B. Unique Abilities (2 Chronicles 26:15):

Centuries after anointing
Bezalel and his team to fashion the tabernacle and its components, God gave King Uzziah and his military experts the ability to build structures of warfare that protected Jerusalem from invading armies. Uzziah's "name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong" (2 Chronicles 26:15, KJV). Unfortunately, Uzziah's power gave way to pride, which led to his downfall (verse 16). When God gives us gifts for His glory, we must be cautious to remember that any success we have comes from the source himself. We must not become prideful, enamoured with our own accomplishments; that could lead to our destruction (Proverbs 1:18).

God anoints people with talents that span the array of creativity. Some are found in the traditional church setting like preaching, teaching, and singing- while others thrive online where countless people can benefit from them. Lots of people know how to post videos online, but some are uniquely gifted to captivate their viewers and grow their influence. As their platform broadens, they are able to spread God's Word in increasingly unique and powerful ways.

Questions For Application
What are some creative gifts God has given people in your church?

How do they add to the effectiveness of your ministry?

Are there any creative people online whose mninistry you enjoy?
Explain how others could access their content if they were interested.


A. Focused on Followers (Genesis 11:1-4):

The people gathered in Babel had extraordinary building skills. They knew how to fire bricks instead of simply drying them in the sun, greatly increasing their strength and durability. They also used tar bubbling up from underground pits near Babylon to bind and seal the bricks. The structure they built was unlike anything humans had created before, and using new skills to accomplish a common goal unified the people. This sounds like good news, but the people's motivation - to become famous and build one civilisation rather than filling the Earth as God had commanded - Led them astray. They had missed God's purpose.

God gives extraordinary gifts for specific reasons. Public gifts like speaking or singing can minister powerfully to people, but they can also distract from God himself. It's all too easy to get caught up in other people's feedback and forget the reason God gave us a sermon or song in the first place. The people of Babel chose to abandon God's purpose and use their gifts to elevate themselves, and Christians today face this same danger. We must focus on giving all the glory to God and keeping our motivations pure, remembering that God's purposes may be completely different from ours. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts'" .(Isaiah 55:8-9, KJV).

Questions For Application
How can you tell the difference between ministry motivated by trying to impress others and ministry focused on honouring God alone?

What are the dangers of focusing too much on an individual's gift in a corporate church setting?

B. Kingdoms that Crumble (Genesis 11:5-9):

The people of Babel constructed their tower with the intent of making a name for themselves (Genesis 11:5-9). Such a lofty and superficial goal was bound to create problems. In fact, selfish pride has led many kingdoms to destruction. Pharaoh defied God's command to let His people go, and his entire army was swallowed by the sea (see Exodus 14:21-28). King Belshazzar threw a royal party for himself using cups stolen from the temple, and the kingdom of Babylon fell to the Persians that same night (see Daniel 5). The legendary pride of Moab crumbled when their kingdom was invaded and the people were forced to flee (see lsaiah 16:6-14). Those who build online kingdoms with the intent of self-glorification and advancement are following the same path, essentially constructing their own virtual towers of Babel.

In Romans 2:6-8, Paul made it clear that God will judge everyone based on their actions. For those who seek God's honour and glory and continue to do good, there is the promise of eternal life. However. God "will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness" (verse 8, NLT).

Christians may fall into the trap of living for themselves even in a church setting. When we focus on people's gifts and abilities instead of the message of Christ, ministries collapse and leaders fail. Paul said, "| am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me" (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT). He understood an effective ministry and a godly life could be built on God's power alone.

Questions For Application
What can happen if a ministry is built ona person's abilities alone?

What does it mean to boast about our weaknesses? How can doing so allow the power of Christ to work through us?


A. Do Not Test Christ (1 Corinthians 10:1-13):

In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul compares the lsraelites' journey in the wilderness with our Christian walk. We have been given great mercies and received miraculous gifts from God just as the Israelites did. But it is up to us whether we will repeat their mistakes and test God with habitual sin and selfishness. As Paul explained, "These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age"
(verse 11, NLT).

Christians in this age have been given the remarkable gift of technology. Anyone with internet access can send a message across the worid in the blink of an eye.
Hundreds or even thousands of people might see a photo or video someone posts. Smartphone users can access any version of Scripture and dozens of commentaries
whenever they want. These gifts don't exist for our own promotion or indulgence but as effective tools for
spreading the gospel.

When God told Moses to speak to the elders of Israel with the eventual goal of leading the people out of Egyptian enslavement, Moses argued, "What if they won't believe me or listen to me?'.. Then the Lord asked him, 'What is that in your hand?" (Exodus 4:1-2, NLT). God would use the shepherd's staff in Moses' hand to perform miraculous wonders and convince the Israelite elders that the prophet's message came from God himself.

What is in our hands? It is up to us to decide how we use the technology on our desks and in our pockets. Some people might see only evil potential in such technology, but we can choose to use what is in our hands to lift up or tear down, to represent Christ well or give the Church a bad name. Technology is not our enemy. As Paul wrote, "We do not fight against flesh and blood, but we fight against evil rulers and authorities of darkness and of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against demons and evil spirits in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).

Paul finishes this section of his letter to the Corinthians with warning against pride: "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall" (1 Corinthians 10:12, NLT). But he goes on to share one of the Bible's greatest promises concerning temptation: "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is awesome and faithful. He will never allow any temptation that is above you to come to you. When you are tempted, God will show you a way of escape and heart to endure" (verse 13, NLT).

Questions For Application
What specific gifts or tools has God placed in your hand? How can you best use them for His glory?

Describe the ways God kept His promise to "show you a way out during seasons of temptation.

B. All for His Glory (1 Corinthians 10:31):

In Romans 12, Paul further explores the concept of glorifying God, calling for Christians to be living sacrifices people who offer every part of themselves to God "because of all he has done for you" (verse 1, NLT). As simple as it may sound, Christians miss opportunities every day to have an impact for the sake of the gospel. Many believers post memes on Facebook, share opinions on Twitter, upload videos to TikTok, or even commnent on their local news website without ever considering how they might reflect the glory of God. On the other hand, liking or sharing content that is hurtful or glorifies evil behaviour detracts from our witness. Whether we are interacting with people onlinebor face-to-face, we need God's wisdom (James 1:5).

Christians have a responsibility to use their many gifts to further the kingdom of God. Every post does not need to be a sermnon, but we would do well to consider how we can best represent God in every aspect of our lives. When using the powerful tools of technology, Christians should use godly wisdom and speak life. In the words of Paul, "Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them" (Ephesians 4:29, NLT).
Questions For Application
What digital tools can Christians use to help them continually focus on God's Word?

How could you change your online habits to bring greater glory to God?

Call to Discipleship
Christians today enjoy blessings and conveniences that believers in past could never have imagined. In 2021, 97 percent of Americans owned cell phones, indicating that like it or not technology is everywhere and itis here to stay. As Christians, we must take the blessings God gives us and use them for His glory. You could start with something as simple as posting a testimony or sharing a video of a sermon that impacted your life. What matters is that you are using technology wisely to further the kingdom of God. Our Heavenly Father will keep His promises and reward those who continually seek His glory and honour Him above all else (Romans 2:7).

Ministry in Action
Recognise and thank God for the natural abilities and generous blessings He has given you. Examine your online activity to make certain you are not focused on glorifying yourself or your talents. Look for opportunities to use technology to share the message of Jesus Christ.


The original production and publication of this extract belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media platforms available.

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