ASSEMBLIES OF GOD ADULT LESSON 16 // OCTOBER 20TH, 2024 (100% free from AI contents and plagiarism @revjohno.)


Rehoboam's leadership
provides a stark sample of how listening to the right or wrong voices can have a profound effect. He found himself in a complicated situation after he became the fourth king of Israel shortly after Solomon's death. Though he had the benefit of being the son of the wisest king in Israelite history, he could no longer lean on his father's counsel for the problems he was about to face. Not long after he was crowned, a group of people approached him to give their opinions about how he should rule and to submit a request. Like we often do, Rehoboam asked for the advice of his peers and mentors. He soon discovered not all input is of equal value or produces the same


1 Kings 12:1--19




Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (COLOSSIANS 3:16 KJV).


In a world that is constantly shouting at us, we must be careful to heed God's voice.


At the end of this lesson, participants are expected to:

  1. Acknowledge the need for wise counsel.
  2. Evaluate the messages they receive and discern whether they are wise or unwise.
  3. Choose to seek wise counsel when going through a struggle.



A. Take Your Time (1 Kings 12:1--5)
In every social medium,
everyone can talk, whether or not they can defend it. Every time a person mentions a problem he or is going through, there will be number self-claimed experts rushing to solve it. Not minding where they are coming. Yet, not all suggestions are wrong. It can be difficult to sort out conflicting thoughts and answers.

When Jeroboam with "all the congregation of Israel" (1 Kings 12:3, KJV), approached Rehoboam as a new king of Israel, with the request that he lower the labour demands and taxation they were imposed on. As the leader of the group making this request, Jeroboarn created an interesting dynamic. The young man fled to Egypt from Jerusalem for his safety, after the prophet Ahijah foretold the kingdom would be divided and Jeroboam would be king over ten of the twelve tribes. Maybe, now that Rehoboam was the new king, Jeroboam gave him a chance to do the right thing and keep the kingdom united.

It Rehoboam three days to consider the people's request. He behaved wisely by setting aside time to reason and seek advice. This is a welcomed action, to slowly and carefully think before making quick responses and snap judgements is a good idea.

B. Seek Wise Counsel (1 Kings 12:6-7)
For significant life-changing choices, trusted and experienced men and women of God are needed to offer help based on godly knowledge and wisdom. To seek outside knowledge, or idea is not bad mostly when making serious decisions that impact other people.

Rehoboam first requested the opinion of the men who worked with his father. The men were not only tested in making decisions of this magnitude, but they had experience from the past administration. They advised Rehoboam on how to gain the people's trust and loyalty based on their own experience while working with Solomon's administration.

This group of older counsellors likely understood the people well, having observed their behaviour during Solomon's reign. They tried to guide Rehoboam as they did to his father, the young man would have been wise to listen to them.

In our day, it seems everyone with a platform claims to be an expert. It is critical for Christians to know how to discern whose voice to trust-especially when talk-show hosts act as relationship counsellors, radio, DJ's report, pop culture gossip as news, and social media influencers do whatever it takes to get more views and likes. The size of a person's following and even their résumé and qualifications do not guarantee their advice will have the intended consequences.

Instead of listening to the voices talking the loudest, Christians should listen to experienced believers who offer wise, godly counsel as well as the confirming voice of the Holy Spirit.

Questions For Application
Where should a Christian start when seeking wise counsel for a challenging decision?

Share a positive or negative experience you had when asking for advice. What did you learn as a result?


A. Seeking Counsel in a Bubble (1 Kings 12:8-9)
Rehoboam ignored the wisdom of his father's counsellors and sought advice from his friends. There is great danger in seeking counsel only from people who agree with you. Not minding how wrong their idea may be, they will always defend it. Iť's impossible to get wise and impartial advice in an echo chamber. Rehoboam chose this kind of advice he wants. Rehoboam allowed youthful exuberant to cloud his judgement, many people do the same today. Rating and upvote are not the standards to discern credibility, instead wisdom, education, and experience in the post.

Rehoboam was guided by a desire and approval of his friends, so he accepted their advice instead of the advice of the counsellors who had experience in the exact issue he was facing. Some people who go through hard time sometimes ignore good advice, choosing instead to listen to the affirming words of their so-called friends. The way things are happening in our contemporary society can influence us to heed advice that runs contrary to the Word of God. However, Christians must not turn away from godly advice, "the Almighty God disciplines those he loves (Hebrews 12:6).

B Social Injustice (1 Kings 12:10-11)
Rehoboam's acceptance of his fellow youth ruined him to his destruction. Rehoboam chose a policy of harsh judgement that would have lasting consequences.

Any culture that sprung from a legitimate outcry for social justice should be cancelled. There is a genuine reason for evil people to be punished. There is good reasons for wicked systems to be reformed, but the chance to do that was seized by people who misuse their privilege, trying to uphold their own opinions as the only right one. Rehoboam decided to use his authority by a show of strength instead of compassion.

Almost all of us will have the responsibility to lead others in our lives. Maybe your leadership might be a mentoring relationship or an obscure modelling patience or kindness. Christians should avoid Rehoboam's foolishness and follow leadership of Jesus Christ's leadership. Leading with compassion and grace. Such leadership can have eternal results.

How can Christians avoid the temptation to abuse their power?

What are some ways a Christian can show godly compassion when placed in a position of authority?


A. Public Display of Stupidity (1 Kings 12:12-15)
Certain segments of the media have made a living by curating lists of people's failures. Some are viewed so many times they become "viral" sensations. Because of his visibility, Rehoboam didn't have to wait for the news of his failure to spread. After three days of deliberation, "Jeroboam and all the people returned to hear Rehoboam's decision" (1 Kings 12:12, NLT). The entire kingdom could see what was happening when "Rehoboam spoke harshly to the people" (verse 13, NLT), promising to lay heavier burdens on them and show more cruelty than his father had. By following the unwise advice of his friends instead of the counsel of experienced elders, Rehoboam "paid no attention to the people" (verse 15, nlt), alienating ten of the twelve tribes of Israel. His foolish mistake cost him a majority of the kingdom and fulfilled the words of the prophet Ahijah (1 Kings 11:29-32).

Decisions as pivotal as Rehoboam's may not seem likely to come up in the lives of Christians today. Most of us do not hold the power to divide countries or cause kingdoms to rise or fall. However, we will make many impactful decisions throughout our lives, often with eternal conseguences for ourselves and the people we influence. We must understand how to discern between right and wrong voices in the media. There are dramatic consequences when we do not.

Questions For Application
Have you ever made a mistake that embarrassed you publicly? How did you deal with the fallout?

What should a Christian do after making a mistake with dire consequences?

B. The Court of Public Opinion (1 Kings 12:16-19)
Rehoboam may have been the king of all lsrael, but his disrespect of the people caused every tribe except Benjamin and Judah to decide to no longer follow him or acknowledge his rule. The court of public opinion decided Rehoboam was not fit to be king and Israel was split in two. Regardless of a person's intention when they choose a certain course of action, other people's perception cannot be controlled. There will be inevitable consequences.

Listening to the wrong voices made Rehoboam an adversary to most of his kingdom. Though his intention may have been to earn the respect of his people through fear, the consequence of his actions proved quite different. His irresponsibility tarnished the legacy of his forefathers, tore apart his kingdom, and diminished the inheritance of his descendants for generations.

Listening to the wrong media or counsel in our day and age can also have serious unintended consequences.

Christians are commanded to abandon the ways of the world and discern God's will by letting Him work in their lives. "Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect" (Romans 12:2, NLT). Public opinion is often diametrically opposed to the will of God. His opinion is the only one that truly matters. The closer our relationship with Him, the more wisdom we have in making decisions.

God has also established elders and overseers to guide others according to Scripture. Their role includes correcting those who oppose the teaching of God's Word (Titus 1:9). Elders should be sought out for advice, because there is great benefit in the gifts and experience God has given them. As Rehoboam found out, ignoring wise counsel and following unwise counsel can have severe consequences both in the court of public opinion and in one's standing with God.

Questions For Application
Discuss a time you did something with good intentions, but it was negatively received.

How can a Christian silence the voices vying for their attention and focus on hearing from God?

Whom has God placed in your life to offer wise counsel and guidance?

Call to Discipleship
Christians are flooded with innumerable opinions and biased information every time we turn on the TV or pick up our phones. From 24-hour news cycles and incessant push notifications to social media influencers desperate for likes and political talking heads disguising opinion as fact, the media is constantly teiling us how to live. However, God's people aren't left to sort all this out alone. His Word and His Spirit are like a compass pointing us toward the truth. When we listen to Him and the trusted people He sends our way, we will be able to discern wisely between good and evil and stay on the path that leads to life (Matthew 7:14).

Ministry in Action
Evaluate the voices that are allowed to speak into your life, whether wise or unwise.

Seek God's counsel before making significant decisions. Be open to correction and guidance from trusted, godly elders.


The original production and publication of this extract belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media available. 100% free from AI contents and plagiarism @revjohno.

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