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John 5 : 35; Matthew 5 :14 - 16; Isaiah 60 : 1 - 2


  1. You are the Light of the World: Let your light so Shine.

  2. Qualities of Lights that Serve the Purpose of Jesus

(a) Revelation
(b) Illumination

  1. A Burning and a Shining Light

(a) Ignition
(b) Intensity


The testimony of Jesus Christ concerning John the Baptist was that he (John the Baptist)was a burning and a shining Light (John 5:35). If we carefully examine the statement of the Lord Jesus, we will find that there are many parts to it. The first is that from the immortal realm, John was seen as a Light. This light was seen as one that burns and blazes. That means the light was two-fold in its expression. God sent him into the world for this purpose. He has not stopped sending burning and blazing men into the world. The question is if you will manifest according to your assignment on the earth. The Lord Jesus called you Light as well, therefore you must take the responsibility to burn and blaze.

1. You are a Light - Matthew 5:14-16

(A) Jesus Christ Calls you light.
The testimony of Jesus is forever true. He was not trying to flatter the disciples when He called them light.He was stating God's eternal view of His children who had chosen to follow Him.If that is the case, then every believer must take the responsibility to be a Light, seriously.
Remember that in the days of Jesus Christ, Light to illuminate dark places was obtained from torches that comprised of a container carrying oil with a wick dipped into it (just like a typical lamp). If the lamp contained oil, and the wick was immersed in the oil, the combustible wick continued to blaze, and in its burning and blazing, it produced light that illuminated the environment.

The Lord likens us to this Light. He says we are a city on a hill, and we cannot be hid. We carry his light because He lights every man who cometh into the world (John 1:9). Therefore for everyone who has received him,the light has been activated.Once activated, the control is now in your hands as to how bright you will shine.He does the activating; you do the shining! There are factors that influence how much and how bright and indeed, how long you may shine.

This verse also lets us know that our assignment is global, though we may start out as localized to a city. The important point here is to decide to shine ever brighter because in doing so, you get rewarded by being given more cities to shine in (Luke 19:17). Never miss the opportunity to shine. Jesus gave you a great responsibility to shine. In doing that,he invested so much trust in you because it cost him his life to give you that ight. If you appreciate it and consecrate yourself to him, making Him the primal purpose of your existence, He will draw many to Himself and reward you abundantly (Matt 6:33).

(B) Let your Light So shine
This statement, "Let your light so shine…" implies that there are different frequencies or levels of shining. You can shine, but you can also “So shine" so that men can see your good works.
It almost gives the impression of the sphere of the influence of the light. In physics, light is measured in Lux (Lumens per square meter). If it is bright enough, the illumination can go from being just a lamp for a few persons to see, to being one for a whole stadium or even a whole City like Christ said. The extent of your light is a function of how much combustible material or fuel you have per time to dispense and how much is fed into the flame to burn once ignition has happened.

So intensity is a function of the rate of consumption of the volume of Oil (Fuel) and the exposure of the Combustible material (like the wick in a lamp) when you consider the torches that were the instrument of illumination in the days of Jesus on earth.

The extent of your consecration is directly proportional to how much you can shine. You control that bit of the equation. The more consecrated you are to the Lord, the more oil can flow through you the more Light-full (fruitful) you become, and the more territory he can yield to you. Therefore, take the responsibility to submit totally to the Lord. Take every opportunity you get to Shine for the Master. Do not hide your light, Shine Forth. He is your light

2. Two Key Functions of this Light

(A) Light Reveals or makes manifest.
The first goal of light in Genesis, It was to reveal what was in the dark. The Almighty would not commence creation until light was first released upon the earth. The light revealed the extent of chaos and formlessness on the earth, but that did not scare the Lord God.

As youths God expects us to be first a Burning Light, and then a shining one. In allowing His burning light to burn through us, we demonstrate our submission to him and allow him to take away every dross in us. We allow the fire to remove our impurities as we yield and align ourselves with His word. We have become a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2).

God will not send his fire if you are not a sacrifice He would accept ( i.e. consecrated to live for him as a living sacrifice). The Fire only responds to a sacrifice on His Holy Altar. It happened to Elijah on Mount Carmel, it happened on the day of Pentecost. God's fire responds to an acceptable sacrifice. So if the fire is not on the Altar, check, the sacrifice may be missing. Isaac knew this, so he asked the father where the sacrifice was. If the fire does not meet a sacrifice, nothing will be offered to the Lord. He gains nothing out of the endeavor. If you make up your mind to be a living sacrifice, fully yielded to the Lord and consecrated to His service,and He sees that you truly mean it, and are not leaving the Altar to find your pleasure, the Fire will fall. It is in the process of Burning that you blaze and produce light. To the carnal mind, you are being consumed, to the Lord, you are being revealed as you reveal the master.

(B) Light illuminates
The Light that is produced by the Fire of God on the Sacrifice also illuminates the environment. While God receives pleasure from the savour of your sacrifice, He showcases you to the world as an example of what He can do in the life of a man yielded to the Lord Jesus Christ. This illumination is aimed at making manifest the glory God has deposited in you. Once the fire consumes the flesh and dross out of you, what is left is Glory. This glory is what convicts the world when they look at your life. They can relate to the fact that you were like them, but that the fourth Man in the Fire has changed your visage. Because with Jesus in your life, His life swallows your weaknesses, and Power from the Lord is handed over to you as an heir who has attained the spiritual age of accountability by your service in his vineyard. This glory that God crowns you with reflects in excellence, grace, favour, holiness, and righteous living amongst a dying world. This life that men see in you is what attracts them to the Master.

3. A burning and a shining light

(A) Ignition: The key to understanding this scripture is to understand that the light must be ignited. The Lord Jesus Christ is the one that lights up every man to come into the world.Until He lights a man the man remains until.
Not just the man,but all the people that man was sent to also remain in darkness because he is yet to arrive. You would notice that the only time people sitting in darkness are asked to arise is when the light has come (Isaiah 60:1).

Until you are saved and ignited by the Lord through the Holy Spirit you cannot give light to your world. So desire to be saved, fully surrendered, and filled with the Holy Spirit. That is the foundation for relevance in the kingdom. This ignition is the burning that is sustained by a life of sacrifice in prayer, studying the Word of God, and in total obedience to the direction of the Holy Spirit.

(B) Intensity and Longevity
The Bible says in Isaiah 60:1-2 that men shall come to your light, Kings shall come to the brightness of your rising. Light will always attract men and women. With the intensity goes the number of kings and queens that come to you. Kings (royalties) do not come for mere light, they come when the intensity is high.

To acquire enough oil for your fire, buy from those that sell. The story in Matthew 25 tells us there is a price for it. The price is in sacrificing your life in service to the Lord and in prayer and the study of the word. If you acquire enough light, you will shine for longer for Jesus and brighter for His kingdom.


A life of consecration is mandatory if you will carry God's fire.Your discipline in obedience and passion for the kingdom will determine the intensity and duration of your burning and shining.

God desires us to live as living sacrifices so that He can trust us with greater light to showcase His glory.
Be that light to your generation. Don't let them wait any longer!


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####This is the exclusive product and publication of the General Council Youth Ministries Department, Assemblies of God Nigeria.



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