Super Sneak, and The Magic as Surprise | Splinterlands Weekly Battlemage Secret Challenge

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Weekly Battle Mage Secrets Challenge's Session. For this week Battle Mage Secret Challenge, there is super sneak ruleset, that gives all melee monster the sneak ability to attack enemies backline. This often cause many melee monster are appeared due to that advantage they have, but some people chose to surprise the enemies with magic that often not predicted because people are focused on their backline and sneak from enemies. Let's see my battle !


Battle of The Week

Here is my formation for the battle :


Rules set:


Super Sneak : All monster have the sneak ability.
Lost Legendary : All legendary monster are banned.
Weak Magic : Magic damage are blocked by the armor just like physical.
33 mana cap: Medium mana cap, need to carefully pick the line up.
Splinter available : Water, Death, and Dragon Splinter are available.

My Lineup's Explanation :

Summonersimage.png+1 speed, +1 armor, and +1 healthThe versatile summoner with great buff and can be used for all element (but limited into 1)
Tankerimage.pngFly, Void, EnrageGreat tank with the fly to evade physical damage and void to reduce magic damage. Got enrage to hit back enemies with higher damage and speed. This is my anticipation in case enemies suprise me with magic damage.
2nd Monsterimage.pngEvade, PhaseGreat decoy with evade and phase to increase the chance evading all kind of damage that don't have true strike.
3rd Monsterimage.pngDemoralize, Stampede, Heavy Hitter.A decent damager, and what most importantly is the demoralize to reduce enemies melee damage on this ruleset that melee would likely appeared.
4th Monsterimage.pngFly, Backfire, RetaliateAnother hitter, and could hurt back enemies with the backfire or retaliate.
5th Monsterimage.pngPoisonSince melee is likely anticipated, this range monster is a surprise for the enemies, with high damage and poison, he can be deadly hitter.
6th Monsterimage.pngThorn, Regen, SlowPerfect for tank at the back with the thorn and regen. With the help of demoralize, expected to hurt back all physical monsters.


Does My Strategy is Worked ? :

If you want to watch the battle, please click the link of battle replay

The battle scene are also explained below:

At the end of first round, my team still complete while my enemies lose their backline monster thanks to the thorn

At the end of 2nd round, more enemies are eliminated, with their tank and the backline is eliminated again. My team ? Still complete 😎

And finally, my team win the match, with just the tank is eliminated. Such a great victory !


Discuss About Super Sneak :

What Should We Get :
The thread for sneak is clearly, so getting a tanker at the back is great way to anticipate that, and you will not waste attack because they can attack from the back as well. Shield ability is good to reduce all physical damage, and demoralize is the perfect suit to reduce the melee even more.

What Should We Avoid: Avoid using weak monster at the back, because they will easily eliminated. Avoid only focus at melee as well, because your enemies might surprise you with the magic spam from the front !
What would i do next ?
It will depend on the ruleset, but my strategy is clear to prevent the melee at the back and having a monster that can anticipate magic at the front.



With super sneak ruleset, melee monster would likely appears and hit your backline, so anticipate them with having a tanker at the back and support them with demoralize is a great option. And don't forget to anticipate the magic as well because they can be a surprise from your enemies.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this ruleset by put it on comment section.
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@splinterlands for the cool game
@peakmonster for the cool card rent platform
Splinterlands Indonesia Community for makes this game even fun
Electronz and TeamPH for the solid guild
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
@marianaemilia , @arcange , @fengchao for keep supporting my post
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Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
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