Some memories cannot be forgotten.

Actually there are some memories in this world which we can never forget even if we want to. In fact, these memories always remind us of those old days. In fact, there are some memories in our life that are very painful when we think about them. Again there are some memories which make our mind dance with joy. In fact, we have more bad memories than good ones in our life. Because no matter how much we try to erase these bad memories from our lives, we can never do it. In fact, good memories are slowly erased from our lives. Also good memories don't last long in our life. In fact, in the midst of these memories, we always try to move forward.

In fact, we love some people in our life more than our hearts. In fact, even if we love from the heart, if those people hurt us once, then we can never try to forget those painful memories. Because we never expect anything bad from loved ones. In fact, we always get bad things from those from whom we expect good things. Actually we can never change these things. Memories of poor people in this world of ours always hurt them. Because they are the only ones who understand how much the poor people work hard in the world since their birth. In fact, their childhood is full of hardships.

Not only their childhood period but also their current period is going through a lot of hardships. And for those who belong to rich family in this world, their childhood memories are always sweet. Because they got all kinds of things from this world in their childhood. In fact, memories are never good in a family of need. Because when they remember their past memories, their moment of joy turns into pain again. And they have always tried to forget their past memories. In fact, you can't forget anything if you want it. Why bad things can't be easily forgotten from our life. There are many times when we love someone with all our heart and soul. We dream of building a house with them.

And when those dear people break our heart and go away, then we become alone in this world and we try to remember those dear people again and again during our lonely time. In fact, when we remember the good times we spent with them, our pain increases. And that's why no matter how hard we try to forget their memories, we can never forget them. And that's why we will always move forward with the good and bad memories of life. In fact if we suffer and sit on bad memories then we can never expect anything good in life.


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