Why Do People Procrastinate.

****People procrastinate for various reason****

Some people ****FEAR OF FAILURE**** They concern about not meeting expectations which can make starting a task daunting.

Some people like myself is big on ****PERFECTIONISM**** they have the desire for everything to be perfect
That can delay starting or finishing tasks.

Also lack of ****MOTIVATION**** is another one now this os so me not having a clear incentive or interest. It's so easy for me to put things off then to keep going.

Some people may feel ****OVERWHELMED**** they could be feeling overwhelmed by the size or complexity of a task it also can lead to ****AVOIDANCE****.

****POOR TIME MANAGEMENT**** is another for me I have a difficulty time organizing and prioritizing task.

I don't know about you all but ****DISTRACTION**** is another for me if you are not in a peaceful environment it can lead to disrupt focus.

****INSTANT GRATIFICATION**** can mean preferring immediate pleasure over long term goals can also lead to procrastination.


The #1 priority is ****SETTING CLEAR GOALS**** you have to break task into smaller, manageable steps with specific, achievable goals. This wayit can make the task feels less overwhelming.

Another task is to ****CREATE A SCHEDULE**** you can use a planner or digital calendar to organize your tasks and allocate specific times for each task so you can make sure you stick to this schedule as closely as possible.

Another key is ****PRIORITIZE YOUR TASK**** by identifying the most important tasks and tackling them first, you can also use methods like ****EISENHOWER MATRIX**** to prioritize based on urgency and importance

You xan also ****ELIMINATE DISTRACTION**** by identifying and minimize factors that divert your attention sich as social media or any type of noise.

Some peopl can use the ****PROMODORO TECHNIQUES**** like work in forcused intervals for about 25mins. Followed by short breaks to maintain concentration.

Mean time some people may need to address underlying issues, such as reflecting on why you're procrastinating whether it's ****FEAR OF FAILURE, PERFECTIONISM, OR LACK OF MOTIVATION**** some times we have to address these root causes.

Also seek ****ACCOUNTABILITY**** meaning share your goals with someone who can help you keep you on track.

Last but not lease ****REWARD YOUR SELF**** set up a reward system to incentivize completing task.

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