Why Real Conversation Matter More Than Social Media

For some unsaid reason, we tend to give all our energy to activities with no lasting effect or result rather than the ones that could actually have a life-changing effect/result in the long run.

At the office today, I tried to do what I usually do online in front of real people, which is writing, explaining, or what I like to call rambling to an audience.

While I like to write here and share some vulnerable aspects of my life online, it is a different experience saying it to an audience of one or two in real life.

However, times like this are hard to come by.

Not everyone is ready to listen to you, so when you find one, don't hold back and give it your best shot.

I did give it my best. And honestly...it felt good. I'm not that good but i am getting better.

Public speaking is something I've read, watched, and learned about online. But I have never done it in a real-life setting, making it lack the human touch that could help grow my skill and confidence level.

Having people who are ready to listen to your ramblings is so rare that many of us prefer to post them on social media instead of finding someone to talk to about them.

Talking about complex issues or problems provides a release.

But I won't say the same about posting our life problems online, especially when we don't have a way to harness our problem-solving gene to tackle the problem or dissolve the situation. Even if you write about your problem or post about them all day, you still need to leave social media and go out there to solve it.

Social media might create a sense of connectivity within us, but it is not a problem-solving procedure that provides a solution. At least, not a lasting solution.

I remember when I was a YouTube addict, searching for all sorts of solutions to my life situations. Each time I tried to stick to a task that would help me, I found it hard to maintain the routine for long because nothing was there to give me a helping hand.

You could call it a discipline deficiency, but what I think is lacking in my problem-solving technique is the human touch.

This was not the same when I had a driven and disciplined brother by my side. These days, we humans like to think that social media would solve all our problems, and to some extent, they do provide an answer.

But to gain insight and wisdom on how to use the knowledge, you need a community that's focused on the same goal as you. But this is very hard to come by because many of us just want to give all our energy to things that only work short term, while neglecting the long road of connecting with real-life people who can support you when you're tired and about to give up.


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