Watching My Purse

So yesterday and a day before were one of the worst days of last week.

Somehow, I couldn't comprehend what had happened because it has been a while since I've been faced with such an issue.

When it comes to our devices, we have to be careful how we choose them. Is it for durability, flexibility, or agility? I think my previous phone, which was an iPhone, never had such issues and this has now changed my mind totally on why I think android phones are shitty because they seem to be a flexible device that can last you only in the short term.

Although their flexibility means they can get access to any apps and do so much stuff, but I think this has made them more susceptible to all sorts of attacks.

My phone OS crashed yesterday, and it was not fun as I lost numerous files in the process of erasing all data without a backup for most of them.

For this reason, I had to start thinking about getting a new phone, which would probably be an iPhone.

Presently, my purse is not in a good shape, so I'll have to pull back on that idea and also find a way to cut down on all my expenses to focus solely on growing my stake for the alt season because I do not intend to get a new phone now. Not even this year for that matter, so that leaves me with managing this one and sticking with watching my purse because know this phone could crash again at any time.

Hopefully, I hope it does not happen until next year. But then what choice do I have than to start saving anyway.

One of the reasons I use to like iPhone is their durability and agility to stand the test of time. But android phones are the opposite. You can think what you want, but android phones are not 100% reliable in the long term compared to iPhones.

I could ramble about this on and on, but I've got to prepare for today's service.


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