Road To Mastery | Sweat, Skills, and Success

As the month-end approaches, so do many people's desires, resolutions, and resolve for the year approach them to give them a reality check. Its like a disappointment panda from "subtle act of not giving a fuck".

For a month like August, which is the bridge into the ember months, it is an awakening month for reassessment for many people, especially those who have been on autopilot since the beginning of the year.

Autopiloting is easy

Setting goals and manually driving at them is tedious

Since the beginning of the year, I have been moving without any tangible goal myself. Not that I don't have any roadmap for the year, but my goals are only learning-oriented. I have no money goals to achieve, no house to build, nor a dream car to buy.

This year, my goal was to stick with the fundamentals – learning new things, acquiring skills, or starting a business in hope to find something I could be passionate about and potentially build a business and brand on.

How that is going is not so great as I've started a business, learned new skills, and engaged in a new community of like-minded individuals. But all that has been a little bit hectic, which is exactly how I expected things to go.

I don't go around fire expecting not to sweat

I got that from Lil Wayne in one of his songs, "Drop the World," which fits directly into my journey with learning the fundamentals.

Right now, I am sweating, but it's not physical, rather, it's an emotional and mental form of sweat that can't be seen or measured by any outside device.

But I know how much I have been through to manage all these things. I talked about books yesterday, which now got me thinking about how many books I've actually read. To be honest, not much, and while it is above what an average person reads, it is still not good enough for me because I do not want the type of knowledge that the average person has.

To get to where I want, I need the type of knowledge and wisdom that the top tiers of successful people have, which is a bit of a stretch as those people read nothing less than 24 books a year.

Nevertheless, August has got me thinking about how far I've come this year as time flies when the ember months hit because this is when people start rushing to attain their lifelong and yearly goals before the year ends.

Honestly, learning-wise, I have added some new skills to my portfolio, but mastery is what I need and what I will focus on for the rest of the year. And there wont be any rush in that as mastery takes time.


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