Life As A Man Has Never Been Easy

When I see people talk about their problems, predicaments or anything that's bugging their mind and giving them sleepless night, what I usually say before anything else is that “Life has happened, so what the fuck will you do about it”?

Wait, I didn't mean those exact words, but it goes in that line of what will you now do. In short, the solution is the next thing I like to propose to people because in some scenarios I've been faced with worse or less and each time I stay and wallow on the issue makes it even worse psychologically.

It is like making a mountain out of a molehill. Mehn I think this is not the correct expression, but those who know the phrase understand it. But for those who don't it means making a problem look more than it really is.

This, I believe, is at the root of many people's difficulties today, especially with men. We think that whatever happens to us is so big that it has never happened to anyone before. However, if we are to look at other people around us, we'll realize that some people have had worse and have been able to get out of the situation to make a good story out of it.

To me, this is what I think men are built for. Any man who cant solve problems, change his life around for good or have a can do attitude is really setting himself up for a life full of problems. Yes, I agree that problems never end, but the problems we should have should be good problems and not the worst-case scenarios where we have a problem of not being able to solve a problem or turn things around for good.

From the beginning of time, life as a man has never been easy. From hunting in the wild, fighting predators and having to protect our family from other humans, the man has always been at the center of change.

This is why, if we are to have a great society today, we'll have to start with the men. Are they still protectors, problem solvers or just peasants who want to scroll TikToks all day without being able to do just 10 push-ups a day?

This isn't about excersize or fitness, but rather a mentality that we men need to start having about life, which is that we are the ones to go through the hardest battles and make sure we win.

If you don't create a good story amidst the hardship, then you'll have to live miserably because what a man needs psychologically as a form of fulfillment is to go through it all and come out victorious.

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