Just Do It

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. Bruce Lee

Exactly how I feel right now as I've been thinking all day long about writing a post.

Even if I don't know what to write or ramble about I should at least take a step forward by getting it done instead of trying to make it perfect in thinking before acting it out.

Honestly, not many of us are an exemption of this behavior where we spend most of our lives thinking, dreaming and imagining everything about what we want but never actually taking a step forward to do it.

Nonetheless, this is what separates those who really want it and those who just want to imagine how it feels to have it without actually wanting it.

In the end we all do get whatever it is we wanted. If you want more money then you know none would ever come your way by just thinking about it.

Yet, we still keep on drowning and wallowing in our small brain in hope that some magic would happen from thinking alone.

Walking the talk today is what many people lack and I am no excemption because I've been really faced with this same situation in many aspects of my life where I had only dreamed of having something fully knowing that deep down I really don't but just for the fact that it sounds cool to say it to people and think about it I just kept thinking about how it feels.

Most times we like to want whatever it is that others have because we think they are good things.

However not everything that's good for others is good for us. Sometimes I like to do research and talk about what I've learned but then what I really wanted is to just sit my add down and write with my hear.

Looks like it's almost mid night. Thanks for reading.

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