Freedom Is A Condition Of The Mind

Free will is certain, but every choice a man makes has its consequences.

For this reason, I feel freedom is overrated. Many people nowadays, especially young adults, are too caught up in the loop pf freedom.

From a young age, they are already in haste to leave their parents' house and stand on their own, just because they want that freedom in hope that the grass is greener on the other side.

But what they don't know is that freedom itself is merely an illusion, as one moment you have it, one moment you don't.

Nonetheless, there are certain choices we have freedom over like brushing your teeth in the morning, taking your bath, hitting the gym and focusing on your personal development and goals.

These are the things we are free to choose from, but nowadays, many see this as nothing but want the thrill, fun, and dopamine packed type of freedom. Like partying with friends all day long, smoking weed, and having intercourse as often as they can.

While all of this is being frowned upon by many people, we like to see it as a limitation of choice instead of an unhealthy choice that should be avoided.

Some young adults today complain about not being happy just because they don't have the money to live life the way they want. Just because of this, they feel trapped thinking they are not free, not knowing freedom can be whatever you make it.

The freedom of movement alone is something I think we take for granted. If you ask an ex-convict how he feels confined to the four walls of the same building for years how he feels, you'll understand that you being able to move from place to place without being confined to one place like a tree is a considerable opportunity.

While we can say prisoners are not free, there are also some prisoners who are even free mentally than many people who are outside and free.

The illusion of freedom is something the mind has made up in many people's mind and for this reason, mo matter how much freedom they have it will never be enough as they just keep craving more until they end up in a place they would rather not be.

Freedom of choice is certain, but freedom after making bad choices is not always certain. Drug dealers, for instance, thought they were invisible and can do whatever they wanted freely until they get caught someday, and their freedom is taken away.

Freedom is a condition of the mind and no amount of freedom can make you fulfilled but if you make healthy choices that would help put you in a better position, like pushing yourself to the limits and reaching the peak of your potential, then you won't want to seek freedom in your surroundings as you're already free inside your mind.


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