Don't Follow The Crowd

In life there are numerous things that we fancy, people we cherish and activities we just fall in love with without second thoughts.

However, we can never find joy in any of these things, no matter how we like them, if we really do not have the burning desire to attract them into our lives.

We are all replicas when it comes to physicality like having two hands, legs, eyes and other features that make us human. But thereafter, if we look closely, we can never be the same with another person 100% without something else differentiating us from others.

Be yourself

While we have our different features internally, we, however, have been brought up to make the same decisions as other people, which has become instilled in some people and have continued until adulthood.

First, everyone has to school, get a job and earn from their 9-5. This is the norm of today's society and as a result, we become accustomed or should I say addicted to following the crowd wherever they go.

I could remember when I was just starting into the crypto world. The crowd was not really into crypto due to how it was painted by naysayers. Whenever I pitch the crypto or investing idea to people, they just don't care if It's something new but what I notice about them is that they would always say It's something that only a few people know about so its just another scheme to now lure people to enrich those fee that are already into it.

If I am being honest, I used to feel this way about early adopters where whenever I miss the lowest point and start buying at the top ill feel like I'm just paying those who bought early.

While there is some truth in that, it also reflects how the masses make decisions because as long as the masses are not in the boat of any innovation, yet they want everyone else to be on the boat except them to see whether they will crash or not. If nothing happens, and they see that you sailed effortlessly to your destination, that's when you see then in a rush to get on the boat.

However, this is usually when the boat price increases because the security fee has to increase since the chance of arriving safely at your destination is now much higher.

Presently, the chance of crypto existing for centuries has increased with ETFs and all the innovation like AI now in the picture. But those who are still waiting for everyone to sail first are merely manifesting how they feel deep within, as they cannot be themselves but rather want to do what everyone else did.

If crypto millionaires and billionaires were like this during the genesis days of Bitcoin, they would've never been able to get to where they are today.

While web3 is becoming a new boat to board, I still wonder why any people are still trying to see how everyone sails through without them making their own decision and following through it until the end.

If only we could be ourselves, I bet life would've been much easier because we will have more peace and calm since we know we are making our own decisions from the heart and not just trying to follow the crowd aimlessly.


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