Can We Make Hive More Fun and Entertaining

For someone who spends more time on web 2 than web 3 platform like Hive, I've been curious as to why I do that. But i cant narrow down my curiosity to exactly what question i should be asking myself. You know those moments when you feel like you need to ask yourself a question, but you don't know what question exactly gives the right answer to your curiosity. No wonder curiousity kills the cat, however this time this cat got saved.

I didn't know the question I should be asking myself about my Hive activity until I saw a post on ecency wave about how Hive is boring. Thats not the exact line but it sums up to how Hive isnt entertaining enough to leave web 2 to spend much time on Hive.

The moment I saw the post, I realized this is the same thing I've been meaning to talk about but don't know what question reflects my thoughts.

After I saw the post, I noticed that the reason I spend more time on TikTok, YouTube and X than Hive is because they are much more entertaining and fun. That how they can easily grab users attention for hours.

It's like having a cinema in your room and watching your favorite show.

Hive is not like that, but the other way round. To some Hive is just a place to dumb their daily bullshit, some is to share their biased views on life and some are here to give you advice on what they think you should be doing with your life and on and on.... We all have different reasons. Whichever reason you might have for being an Hiver... a big part of it is not to help make Hive more entertaining. A few might be doing that, but majority are not here for that.

The truth is that many people are not here for the content but for the money and I bet if hive was a web 2 platform that doesn't pay a dime, some would be long gone and majority would never even sign up in the first place.

I am here for the monetary gains but at the same time im here for the creative side of it because since I've joined Hive my writing has improved, which has also improved the way I think, and convey words/ideas to myself and others.

But still, I don't see myself posting everyday on Hive if there's nothing in it for me. Same goes for many of us...Thats the bitter truth. Some people might say they are not here for the money, or they are here for free speech. But I wonder why they are not declining their rewards. Lol

Enough with that… In short, Hive has never been about the content to many of us.

And if it's about the content, what type of content would anyone here sit for hours to read or watch? I bet there's nothing here worth spending hours on just for fun, because most of the contents we promote isnt that fun or entertaining, neither do we want to curate them if we find them. We prefer the good old rule of just make it long and of quality even if its all boring stuff.

For this reason, I started thinking if we can start making Hive more fun than before. For instance, promoting comedy communities, shows, jokes and all that revolves around entertainment. I would even love to see a day when we start seeing people posting full movies on Hive.

However, all of this is easy to say because if it wasn't, I should be doing it.

But if I do, would people even bother to watch, curate or care about them. This I believe is what crosses many creator's mind when creating content. To even think about creating on Hive theres this fear of not meeting up to the hive standard. Be it big grammars or leghty sentence, you just dont get that free speech feel on here if we are being honest with ourselves.

Nevertheless your audience matters, so it's not worth it to create what your community won't consume. And as long as most big users dont want to see stuff thats entertaining and fun then no creator would want to do that which will indirectly not want people to spend time on Hive compared to other fun platforms.

Another thing I see as a downside is the 7 days reward time limit. But that's a story for another day. For now, what do you think we as users can start doing to make Hive more fun and entertaining that would make people want to spend hours on here just for the fun.

I would like to hear your thoughts below.

Thanks for reading my blog. See you in my next post.

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