Day 28 & 29 of the 100 Squats Per Day to Fight Cancer Challenge

Well, I was worried it might happen when I pushed myself from not having done any kind of non-aerobic exercise for 25 years to doing 100 squats everyday, and it may have finally happened. The day before yesterday when I got to about 80 squats, suddenly I felt a shooting pain in my foot. Painful enough that I had trouble balancing and had to sit.

I don't like to give up so I forced myself to slowly get through the next 20 after a long rest, but my foot kept hurting quite a bit. D'oh. I suppose my squatting form wasn't very good and I put pressure on the wrong place on my foot. Just a guess.

The next day it still hurt, badly enough that walking was difficult. I tried to do my squats, but I only got to 60 before I had to call it quits. But again, I hate quitting, so a few hours later before bed I forced my body to do the last 40.

That's two 100 days in a row in a week I was hoping to push above 150. Oh well. With my foot hurting I don't want to push too much.

Today it does feel a bit better so we will see how it goes. I hope to finish the month with a bang! We'll see.

That brings me to 3,095 for the month!

I'm doing this 100 Squats per day Challenge with @livinguktaiwan, @pardinus, and @xrayman to raise funds for Cancer Research. Read my challenge announcement here.

If anyone else wants to join, please do, and please mention it here! And if you want to donate, please donate here or send HIVE/HBD directly to @livinguktaiwan and she will convert it to fiat and donate it herself.

Almost all of us will have to deal with cancer in our lifetimes, either we will get it or someone we love will get it. 1 in 8 women will eventually get breast cancer. An astonishing 1 in 3 men will eventually get prostate cancer. There are many other cancers with similar scary high rates. If you are able, please consider donating or spreading the word of this fundraiser.

【This account is an avatar of @dbooster. I made it for a gag long ago but ended up not using it, so here I am using it now. In a way Mr Miyagi does make the perfect motivational figure for an exercise challenge, so it works.】

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