My sport and my dreams.

I know it's weird to like something else apart from what other people like to do. We all know that football is worldwide, and people like to watch and play it. I like football too; I can play it, but then you will hardly believe I can play football because I don't watch it, and you will not see me talking about it.


Well, I studied human kinetic. So yeah, I can play a lot of sports. Table tennis, badminton, volleyball, cricket, and so on.
But then there is no way we will not have a particular sport we love to play. Or we have as a favorite. My favorite sport is taekwondo. I mean, this is my life, not just a favorite sport.

I've been playing this particular sport for years now. But I fell so much in love with it in the year 2013. When I got to higher institutions, I found a place to learn, so I immediately fell in love with what I saw. I started my career then. It wasn't easy though, but I keep going to training; in fact, sometimes I felt like fainting when training. The training was tedious because I was not just training for myself but training for competitions, as I've got the goal of being one of the best.
I went to my first competition in 2018. It was a moment I can't forget. After then I started going to more competition to be very strong. As time went on, I started growing in the sport.


After spending six years with my coach, I need to further my education in the year 2018. I chose one of the best universities so far because I know I will be able to train well, and believe me, one of my dreams is to represent my university in competition.
I put in for the university, but then God was actually planning something else for me. Funny enough, the university gave me the admission, and I changed my course to human kinetics so I can study full sport. It all worked until I was transferred to another place to continue my study. My plan was to stay on the main campus because the main campus has everything I ever wanted. Well, I was transferred to their satellite campus, and that place happens to be in another state entirely.

On getting there, I was heartbroken because I did not find anything I was looking for. It just looks like my dream was shattered. There was no coach to put me through everything I needed. In fact, there are no facilities to train.

I couldn't just sit and watch; I became the coach and introduced the sport to the university. As time went on, I was recognized. After training people for a while. We all went to competitions together to represent the school in taekwondo competitions. I mean, we don't even tell the school about it; we just went on our own. But guess what we did so well.

It was not easy to be a coach and an athlete at the same time. I faced so many challenges back then. To cut a long story short, I was still able to represent my school, but not what I wanted anyway. I just don't want dreams to go by without achieving something.
Some weeks back, I took the same university to competitions, and we all did absolutely well by coming with medals and so on.
In summary, taekwondo is my sport, and I love to play and watch it at the same time. I mean, I can spend any penny when it comes to taekwondo.

All images are mine

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