Lack of friendship alone does not lead to loneliness

Being alone does not mean that a person is living without friends. The real cause of loneliness is often deeper. Loneliness may arise from a lack of friendship, but its real roots lie elsewhere—a lack of purpose.


Having a goal in life means a way forward, a purpose. When that goal is missing, people lose purpose in life. At this point, every step in life begins to feel meaningless. Jobs then become to pass the time, and from there comes the feeling of loneliness.

Spending time with friends, enjoying family—important parts of life. But if we have no definite aim in life, even those pleasures fail to fulfill our mind. Life without a goal is like a boat without a direction, which never reaches a safe harbor.

A goal gives us direction in life, wakes us up every morning, motivates us to do something new. Having goals allows us to use our time effectively, and from that comes a sense of meaning in life.

So, it is very important to set the right goal in life along with friendship. Goals give us emotional strength, and it is through that strength that we can break out of the cycle of loneliness.

So, lack of friendship may cause loneliness, but real loneliness is born out of aimlessness. If you have a strong purpose in life, you can easily get rid of that deep darkness of loneliness.

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