I have nothing to say in this world.

Many things in this world may seem like ours, but in truth, nothing is ours forever. Whatever we achieve in this life is only for time. Our possessions, relationships, even our bodies will one day pass away. This law of nature is change.


When we assume something is ours, we become restless, because this assumption involves the fear of loss. But if we understand that nothing is permanent, we will find peace and stability.

Our loved ones, possessions, even our lives will one day run out. This realization teaches us to love everything, to care, but not to cling to anything. Because everything is temporary. So being grateful in every moment of life and moving forward on the right path is the biggest life lesson.

When we come into this world, we bring nothing, and when we leave, we can take nothing. Our achievements, honor, wealth—everything remains in this world. We only leave memories through our work, through love.

Since we have nothing in this world, we should use every moment meaningfully, do something for people. Embrace life with love, compassion, and honesty. At the end of life, when looking back, let there be no regrets. It is our greatest responsibility to leave a beautiful world for ourselves, for others.

So, understanding the intrinsic value of everything, lowering expectations, and finding true joy in life is the meaning of life. Nothing in this world is our own, but whatever we give, whatever we do with love, is our true wealth.

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