Happiness: Easier Said Than Done?


Source: Canva Pro

Happiness mostly depends on simplicity and ease. Psychology, hypothesis, and debate on the meaning and ways of happiness have entered into more than two thousand years of human thinking. From 340 B.C.E., Aristotle up to the authors, public speakers, and thinkers of today, this key of pleasure has stayed essentially unaltered. From every walk of life and every nation, almost everyone experiences the same thing. The key to happiness is this: Work alone to refine your natural talents by doing what gives you joy and continue growing better at it for a purpose greater than yourself.

The declaration and the dedication have great weight. To be happy, you must first decide what you want out of life and then thoroughly enjoy it. In this sense, you have to indulge yourself to the extent that you can lead a life free from self-centeredness if you want to enjoy pleasure.

Your pleasure should come first.

One of the questions Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac asks of him is why Cyrano cares so little about what other people think of him.

I am what I am because early in life, I decided that I would please at least myself in all things,"

he says in answer, very especially.

You will never be happy if you cannot make yourself happy in anything. On the other hand, many people are reluctant to gauge life's events for their pleasure. This is primarily due to letting other people choose what brings us happiness. Moreover, we usually prioritize other people's pleasure over our own. This is not coherent.


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Including humans, all bacteria are motivated by pleasure. The reason behind anything we do is to keep or raise our happiness. Given the way our brains are set, it is difficult for us to be different without growing mental and psychological diseases. The truth is that you cannot provide to others what you lack yourself. Just like you cannot donate money to depressed people if you do not have any, you cannot purchase pleasure for another person if you are sad.

The best approach to ensuring that other people are happy is to be satisfied and share that pleasure. Experiencing and self-sacrifice are all about depressing and limiting other people. If you want to make other people happy, start by doing and enjoying the activities that please you.


Source: Canva Pro

Let happiness be your summary.

Make happiness the compass directing your daily activities. Stated differently, you should compare the probability that every possible line of action or decision would either raise or lower your degree of happiness against your happiness measure. You will quickly discover that most of your troubles result from choices you are now making or have made that do not make you happy.

You will unavoidably have to conduct many little actions that do not please you to reach your higher bliss. What makes one happy is the energetic accomplishment of a goal. You can only feel satisfied if you steadily move toward well-defined objectives that improve your enjoyment.

Regular self-evaluation helps you to identify your natural skills and limitations, thus guiding your genuine potential. It also helps you to determine areas in which you require development. Reflecting on your life allows you to find yourself and the goal you were intended to achieve. Regularly asking oneself this powerful question is one promising approach:

"What brilliant thing would I want to do if I knew I could do it and never fail?"


Source: Canva Pro

See oneself reaching any goal, regardless of size or distance, near or far off. Imagine yourself with unlimited time, energy, money, education, relationships, and everything else you would need to reach the highest degree of aspiration for your life. Tell me what this is. This is an essential question as a clear concept of what you should be doing with your life generally follows when you free your mind from restrictions. Your crucial dream reflects your intense, profound wishes and natural skills.

All successful men and women have the quality of big dreamers. They work nonstop daily to realize their pile of riches as it seems—perfect. Gaining a clear awareness of their ideal circumstances makes people very happy.

Joy is not a crash.

Everybody is exceptional in something. Every single one of us is uniquely gifted in something. At first, that job will surely attract you, yet it might take time to establish yourself in the sector and perform to a high degree. You will indeed find reviewing, discussing, and thinking about it fascinating. Great persons in that sector will soon fall under your admiration. You will dream of becoming a successful player in that field and look at it longingly. Usually, you desire it. You were meant on this planet to do that specific job where you have the best opportunity of becoming exceptional.

Carry on until you reach your objective. The first component of the nerve is your confidence in your goals; the second is your readiness to keep on despite the unavoidable setbacks and challenges you will face on your road.


Source: Canva Pro

Happiness does not accompany collapse. A cheerful person deliberately searches for events that make them joyful. A clear purpose is the key to a meaningful life; spending heavily on developing and honing one's abilities can help one achieve one's objectives.

You have a unique mission here on Earth, and your natural skills and abilities have yet to be wholly developed or used. Your ultimate birthright is joy; you may claim it by concentrating on releasing your real potential.

Thank you Lucidlucrecia.gif

Source: Canva Pro

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