We All Practice Marketing Everyday. Find Out How? - An Invitation To Dreemshare Event On Gobrunch!

Greetings friends, I'm pleased to have you visit my blog again and I welcome you to the Dreemport / Gobrunch Collaboration Week 2.

I've heard some people, both here on Hive and outside say that they don't like marketing and won't even take up the job if offered. And when I ask to know the reasons behind their decision, I hear things like ;

  • It's for professionals
  • It's difficult, I don't have the skills or traits to be one.
  • It exposes one to risks and other things.

That's quite some good reasons not to like marketing or even think of taking a marketing job, but just know that marketing is a broad concept that goes beyond the actual advertising and sales that we know of. It's not all about pushing products and services, and getting people to buy neither is it meant only for extroverts or people with certain personality traits. I am an introvert to the core but I've been doing marketing for over a decade now and it's been a wonderful experience, although there has been some bad ones too, and of course risks. But that is applicable to every other profession and life itself is a risk.

Okay let me burst your bubble, do you know that each of us is a marketer in our own way? Do you also know that you do a little bit of marketing everyday without actually realizing it?. I guess your interest is piqued, hehehe.

Now when you tell your friends about Hive, it's numerous benefits and how you've been earning from your contents, that's you marketing Hive. Yeah.!
For those of you who are into crocheting, fashion designing and handicrafts like some of my #dreemer friends, you make a DIY post showing off your beautiful designs, just know that you are invariably marketing your skills.

Hope you are getting the drill?

Okay, when you recommend that new restaurant you visited to a friend, or post a picture of your favorite product or share blogs on social media, you're essentially marketing that blog, product or service, but in this case, you aren't been paid for it. Oh for some of you who love binge watching movies or reading novels, after which you write a review post about them, don't you know that's marketing?, hehehe.

Even everyday conversations can be a form of marketing, as we share our experiences and opinions with others.
Infact all our activities here on Hive is a form of marketing - through the posts we publish we sell or market our ideas for upvotes, we engage, interact and share ideas, learn, and make friends too.

So you see that marketing is actually an integral part of our daily lives, and it's importance cannot be overemphasized. Also it's not just for big companies or slick salespeople alone, in fact, anyone can become a marketing pro by understanding how it works and learning a few simple techniques.

Just like I pointed out, I've successfully done marketing - both product and service marketing, for a couple of years now, and have garnered some knowledge in the field, and you know, "knowledge is power".

If I, as an introvert can succeed in marketing, you too, can. And I know you will.

That is why I have the honor of inviting you to the Dreemshare event on Gobrunch, holding next week, (date and time coming soon) and I will be there to share all the knowledge I have gained in the courses of marketing all these years?

There's an extra, hehehe.

I will also be sharing some personal tips, techniques and strategies that have helped me succeed and equally build a strong clientele.

So if you dream of starting off a career in marketing and become a pro, or you are there but not hitting the figures, this event is for you.
Also if you just wish to know about marketing, then don't miss this event for anything.

Here's the ice breaket๐Ÿ˜‚

This presentation was prepared with you in mind and I'm sure you don't wanna miss out. Infact I would be delighted to see and connect with you.

Another extra ๐Ÿ˜‚

There will be other presenters in the event so it's going to be a whole lot of knowledge sharing, engagement, and not forgetting the fun too. I'm already excited about it, hehehe.

So don't forget to keep a date with me, at the Dreemshare event on Gobrunch next week (date and time will be communicated soon).

Drop a comment ending with

I'll be there

And you'll be added in the participant's list. Invite your friends and let's make it a memorable event.

Thank you for reading and hope to see you there...

Still the #threadsaddict ๐Ÿ˜‚

Image 1 Designed On Canva
Images 2 & 3 Author's Own

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