Questions for AI: Do you think it is possible to make an advertising platform from a blog on HIVE (the blockchain that followed the Steem 20 hard fork)?

My Questions for AI: "Do you think it is possible to make an advertising platform from a blog on HIVE (the blockchain that followed the Steem 20 hard fork)?"

Yes, a blog on the HIVE platform, built on blockchain, can indeed become an advertising platform, but there are several key strategies and factors to consider:

1. Target Audience:

  • The HIVE platform mainly consists of a cryptocurrency-focused community and people interested in blockchain technology. Therefore, the type of advertising that would perform well on HIVE should be related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, or tech in general. To build a successful advertising platform, you need to choose a relevant audience and product or service.

2. Monetization through Advertising:

  • You can use your blog for native advertising or content marketing, such as:
    • Posting product or service reviews.
    • Sponsored posts for blockchain-related companies.
    • Affiliate marketing programs.
    • Direct sales of ad space for banners or sponsored articles.

3. Attracting an Audience:

  • To make your HIVE blog attractive to advertisers, you'll need a large and active audience. To do this, you should consistently post engaging and valuable content, draw readers in through social media and crypto forums, and interact with other HIVE users. The larger your audience, the more likely advertisers will be interested in collaborating with you.

4. Trust in Blockchain Advertising:

  • Since HIVE operates on blockchain, users expect transparency and reliability. It’s important to promote projects that align with these principles. If you promote products that might cause distrust or have a bad reputation, it could negatively impact your own audience.

5. Integration with HIVE Tokens:

  • Utilizing HIVE tokens for ad payments or engagement could be another advantage of the platform. Advertisers may be interested in using the native cryptocurrency for transactions, which could also increase interest in your blog as an advertising space.

6. Decentralized Nature:

  • HIVE is a decentralized platform, giving you more freedom in content selection and monetization options. This can be an advantage for advertising niche products that may not be accepted on centralized platforms.


Yes, a blog on HIVE can be turned into an advertising platform, especially if your audience is related to cryptocurrency, tech, and blockchain. The key is to provide quality content, grow your readership, and select relevant advertising opportunities.

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