Resilience: Discover your inner strength

In this world full of adversities, we are exposed to every day. We must learn to take it daily without falling. There is a strength that, if you do not know it, you must discover: resilience. This is a beautiful quality that each one of us has. We have, although sometimes it is difficult to know it is there. It is our ability in moments to overcome adversity, be strong and brave, or be like the phoenix bird that is reborn from the ashes, with the inner strength it possesses.

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Resilience is very different from other characteristics that we can acquire along the way, such as knowledge or skills. Resilience is more like a quality within us, born from our nature. It is a flame within us that drives us to move forward through any difficulty or obstacle that comes our way.

Resilience is critical because our inner strength becomes a fundamental pillar to keep us standing and to let ourselves overcome. By discovering our strengths, we will connect with our ability to adapt and learn. It is recognizing ourselves to what extent we can reach and that there is no obstacle we cannot overcome.

But how can we do it?

We must cultivate our resilience to continue moving forward every day to achieve our success.

-You have to get in touch with yourself, notice your feelings, ideas, and opinions, and commit time to mindfulness, meditation, and introspection. This will help you achieve self-knowledge and understand how to react to various situations.

  • Always maintain a positive mentality. This will help you see the positive side of obstacles and be more optimistic since your mind will always see only complications if you have a defeatist mentality. As long as it is positive, your words will be "Yes, I can," "I can achieve it," and "There is no obstacle that I cannot demolish", which is why there is a big difference in thoughts.

  • Grow relationships that have the same interests as you; this will help you lean on others, strengthen your resilience, and see how other people manage and cultivate their inner strength. By being with other people, you will have support, which is an essential factor against the adversities that arise since sharing with others will help you cultivate.

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Manage your stress. This point is essential since stress today is so familiar to humans due to the significant changes and factors we assume daily; change generates stress, and adapting to new changes creates stress. We must learn to work on it since it can harm us in achieving our resilience.

  • Being flexible, since we are not closed persons, helps us work on frustration tolerance and the ability to learn from challenging experiences, accepting that you cannot control all circumstances but can decide how to respond to obstacles.

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Learning these steps will help us discover and cultivate our resilience.

This is a continuous and challenging process that will allow us to face every adversity we encounter along the way. In turn, this will teach us the ability to learn, adapt, and grow, helping us overcome obstacles.

Dare to discover it and unleash your full potential!

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