Fantasy woodland world- AprilinLeo

Aldon the young elf wanted to move out of his parents' house, but he couldn't find a better place to move in. He is now 18 and officially an adult. His parents were in no hurry as they felt he was not ready yet.

Elf lived in a fantasy world of elves. It was a forest where elves lived in red and white mushrooms, some lived in tree trunks and some in caves. He always dreamed of living in a perfect mushroom with bright red and white colors. His parents' house was a perfect round-capped mushroom which looked beautiful. He had a wonderful childhood there.

Afterward, Aldon went out to see Mr Loyd, the property consultant who dealt with buying and renting houses in the elves' world. After listening to his demands, Mr Loyd said he had lots of properties which exactly fit his description, and he could take him to take a look at them.

Mr Loyd took Aldon deep in the woods. It didn't look like a very fashionable neighborhood. He wanted to live in the better part of the woods. Besides, it was very dark there. There were old rotten trees lying on the floor of the forest. There were owls on trees too, which could attack his visitors. The young elf told him his opinion about the place, to which Loyd replied that if he was ready to pay a good price then he would take him to a highly priced area. It shut the young elf down because he couldn't pay a high price.

After looking at some old mushroom stands and rejecting them all, Aldon seemed very disappointed and lost all hope of ever finding his dream house. Mr Loyd was getting impatient and said he seemed a very demanding client, but he would try to help him find what he wanted. He said there was one more place he thought was perfect for Aldon as it was a nice mushroom with a traditional charm.

Aldon wasn't sure what he meant at that moment, but it turned out exactly how Mr Loyd had described it. A damp, dark, tree-rooted house very near to a swamp. Aldon rejected it right away and said it was not what he was looking for.

After days of searching, Mr Loyd couldn't find him anything good. They were all dreadful in Aldon’s view. He said he knew once he saw it he would know that it was his dream house.

That night, in the middle of dinner, his parents asked about his progress in finding a house. They knew he hadn't found any, and were secretly relieved because they didn't want him to move out yet.

He told them about his ordeal. After listening to him, his father said when he first moved out he was not alone he had his mother with him, and they found the perfect mushroom house together. He said someday he would find his dream house and his dream girl too.

A few days later, he continued to be more disappointed. Weeks passed, making him more depressed. He decided he would drop the idea for the time being.

Next day he thought he needed to go out for a morning walk in the woods and took himself off for a long walk. It was a beautiful sunny day, little animals chattering in the woodland. The young elf began to feel better and forgot about all his worries.

Aldon breathed in the warm and dusky air, and suddenly he saw something that stopped his heart! It was a perfect mushroom house he had dreamed of. He stood there motionless for a moment. That little house was exactly what he had imagined.

It had two little windows and a tiny door. Its roof was red and white just as he wanted. As he stood there staring, the door opened and a pretty elfin girl came out to water the plants below her windows and saw Aldon. She smiled at him and asked if she could help him. Aldon didn't know how to respond; he said he was looking for something.

He said her house was the most beautiful he had ever seen. The girl thanked him and told him her mother had given this house to her. Then Aldon told her all about his plight. She invited Aldon to the house to have some tea.

Over the next few days, the young elf couple were inseparable. His parents also noticed he looked happier and his steps became lighter. He introduced them to the girl, and they announced that they had decided to get married.

So Aldon found his dream house. There is always a time for things to happen. In looking for something, he did find someone and that was the best thing ever.

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