Enjoy the gift of life

Have you given the wonderful gift that was given to you the instant you were created in your mother's womb any thought as the years have gone by? That gift of life, which you get each day when you wake up?

If we read the responses to some of these questions, we conclude that although I get up every day and go about my business, what do I do throughout the day? If, among the many other differences in each individual's daily lives, we are burdened with jobs, obligations, worry, stress, disagreements, and arguments, we may forget to appreciate the lovely little moments that provide us with life daily.


We often lose sight of the beauty of putting our health last and being behind our troubles. At some time in your life, haven't you thought of yourself as a robot that wakes up, brushes your teeth, cleans yourself, has breakfast, and heads straight to work? You are doing what you have to do every day automatically. We all have to carry out our responsibilities, so I know that's how we are.

But we have to take a moment of our own and enjoy this fantastic gift that we have every day. From the simple act of opening your eyes and breathing, this is a gift that life is giving, to feel the embrace of a loved one. What happens is that sometimes we pass unnoticed this because we observe it from the point that another day full of obligations, that we have to go to work, and when we wake up, our mind is busy with everything that has to be done in the day, or the pending, our mind when we open our eyes is filled with that, passing unnoticed those lovely moments.

It happens when we do not have or did not give that last hug or kiss to that loved one we regret; we would like to go back in time and enjoy beautiful moments with that particular person; or when we are ill or old age and see our past days, we know that it was only full of so many things, very few of joy and happiness, that we waste our health and youth just trying to survive and not live. For these reasons, we must learn to value the little things in life, not observe them as something simple.

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We must stop worrying about the future or regretting the past because we are always thinking about an uncertain future and a past that we have already lived and should only learn from, leaving it behind, to appreciate this wonderful gift that is to live fully. I know we can't escape the responsibilities, but sometimes, we need a respite to enjoy the moment and feel how fortunate we are for what we have. Let's learn to live in the present, but with gratitude for the little things, to take time to thank and enjoy. Not only that, but today, I must get up to solve this.

Some cannot view the dawn or get out of bed to enjoy the time life offers them; therefore, when you walk outside, feel lucky to see that lovely morning and the wind that strikes your face. Do not whine that you should be sleeping. Enjoy nature's tranquility, put aside your automobile and the everyday worry of the morning for a little while, and don't rush out of the house because you'll be late for work.

We must realize that nothing is eternal in this life, every moment is unique and unrepeatable, the children will not be there all the time small, some families go on that trip that do not return that only remains the beautiful memories, therefore enjoy it, live it, do not say tomorrow I play with my children, or tomorrow I will see my parents because by tomorrow it may be late.

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Another blessing is the company of our loved ones, whether our fathers, friends, wives, or children. Enjoy every moment with them. Knowing that when we relish talking and being joyful with the people we love, it fills our soul with a lovely sensation, which is love, that engine that pushes us to be happy every day, value those times we learn about the significance of every moment spent with the people who are united with us.

Ask yourself occasionally what you would do if you knew it was your last day of life. I understand that the last thing that will cross your mind is work, stress, or worries, but what you would like to do and with whom you would like to share it is why we must live it with intensity and joy. Enjoy every moment of your day as if it were your last.

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Undoubtedly, appreciating the gift of life is a kind of self-love. Live fully, giving thanks for everything you have. Do not put off enjoying your life. We need to start appreciating this wonderful gift of life now.

Living life with thankfulness and pleasure is appropriate since it is a gift!

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