Sidelined By Time


For me, football is not just a sport- it is a passion that runs through my veins. I've been hooked on this sport since I was a kid, mesmerized by the great football players who wow us with their amazing skills. And who was the sorcery who cast the potion on me; the magician who made me fall in love with football? None other than the greatest of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo. Everything about this man is truly inspiring; his hard work, dedication, skills, and consistency, brought out the burning fire within me, and I've been a lover of football since then.

I started playing football when I was a kid. I'd play football with my friends in the compound and on the street's field. I got into trouble with my mom whenever I went out to play. My street was filled with delinquents, so my mom was always against playing football outside. But my passion for this sport couldn't cage me in, as I would always sneak out when she wasn't around. Sometimes I won, but sometimes I got caught. My friends and I would play football for hours, dreaming of becoming professional footballers one day. By the time I got to high school, I had become quite skilled and even represented my school in local competitions. Throughout secondary school, I played as a winger; the school coach trained me in that position. The memories I made on the field are some of the most cherished memories of my life.

Football is my favorite sport, I am passionate about it, and I'm very good at it- or at least, I used to be very good at it. After I graduated from secondary school, I hung up my football boots and stepped away from the pitch. Why? What happened? Well, life happened. Life took over and other priorities consumed my time. Unfortunately, football wasn't one of them. However, I still made time to watch my role model, Cristiano Ronaldo play. Sadly, I had no time to wear my jersey, wear my guards, lace up my boots, and join in on the action. For one year, my legs didn't touch football. My legs forgot the joy of running around the field. It wasn't until I got into the University that I finally had the chance to revisit my favorite sport. But when I stepped onto the field after a very long time, I noticed something was different.

On my first day at the university, I was eager to do so many things- football topped my list. I was really eager to reignite my love for my favorite sport, so I joined my department’s football team. We were instructed by the coach to report to the pitch for training, and I showed up early the next day. I had missed playing football so much and I just wanted to dive into it. I did not come with my football kit, so I had to buy a new one. Finally, I got to the field, expecting to pick things up where I left them. But something was different. So many things were off.

I couldn't run as fast as I used to, my legs were stiff and they felt really heavyy. My body was stiff. My shots lacked their former power, and I lost possession of the ball quickly and easily. It was as if all my skills had disappeared. I was shocked and disappointed. What had happened to the player I once was? Though time may have tampered with my skills, my love for football remains unshakeable. I go to training from time to time, and I know that one day I'll get back all that I lost.

This is my entry to the Inleo August prompt- Day 10. The theme is; favorite sport.

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