My Week, My Story

Monday to Saturday was a rollercoaster of events. A perfect example of how life can be still, yet fulfilling and fun. My school is currently on vacation- we have been off for the past month. I’ve been enjoying my break indoors, taking life slowly, observing, and working on my goals. As someone who can happily stay indoors if given all the necessary things I need, I have been making good use of this break. Holidays are for rest after all the stressful school weeks- loaded with back-to-back lectures, presentations, and exams. From relaxing at home to running unexpected errands, this week was a rollercoaster of experiences.


For most people, Monday is a busy day. Monday is serious. Too serious, maybe. If Mondays were human beings, I’m sure they would wear frowns every time. Friday, on the other hand, is a fun day. Monday is for getting things done. Unlike most people, I spent my Monday lazing around. I stayed up the previous night watching anime. I was so engrossed in the anime that I didn’t know when time flew by. Since I stayed up all night watching anime, I planned to sleep the next morning and wake up in the afternoon. However, fate had other plans for me. After about 2 hours, I woke up with my eyes red. After saying my prayers, I turned on my phone and continued watching anime. Heaven knows I wanted to write an early post, but I just wasn’t motivated enough to do so. My Monday was so lazy that I spent the whole day watching anime. I didn’t even step out of the house at all. Meaning, I didn’t see how the sky looked throughout.


For me, Tuesdays are the ultimate neutral days. They are not exciting or interesting, but they are not boring or too stressful either. They are just neutral. They exist. They exist between the hustling Monday and the “just a little more” Wednesdays. Tuesdays are simple days. I woke up early on Tuesday. Our electricity was faulty, and we needed to charge our devices. So, I brought out the generator to turn it on, only for me to find out there was no generator oil. For the first time in about 2 weeks, I stepped out of my street to get generator oil. Ever since I got back from school, I had not stepped out of my street until Tuesday. I noticed there were some developments going on- the government had started building new roads. It is nice that the government is starting to build new roads, but sadly, they destroyed so many shops that were close to the road; even houses were destroyed. I wonder how those victims would start their lives and businesses anew. I got the oil and came back to put on the generator.


Wednesdays are “just a little more days.” You know, the feelings you get when the weight of a week’s stress is gradually lifting off your shoulders and the weekend is within sight. Thanks to my Hive twin (quduus1), I posted early on Wednesday. There’s this joy and peace of mind that flows through your veins when you make a post early. After posting, I chatted with my friends on Discord. I also worked on my school project- my final year project. I have taken a long break from it. Fortunately, I gathered enough strength to do research and add to my work.


My Thursday was just a carbon copy of Wednesday- same tasks and the same energy. It wasn’t a bad day, it was just a reposition of the things I did on Thursday.


The highlight of my Friday was the chess session with my Hive Chess Bros. I won a few games with higher-rated players. Unfortunately, I got paired with @stayoutoftherz , who crushed me twice. I always get paired with him. Well, the new season starts in the next two weeks and I hope to play awesome games. Let's see how it goes. Oh! I almost forgot- I also read a play text by an African author. I hope to do a book review on it soon.


Saturday was the best day of the week. I visited an old friend and we talked about many things. We had not seen each other for months, and it was so nice to finally catch up. We had so many things to tell each other. I was so engrossed in the conversation that I did not know that it was already getting dark. On my way home, he treated me to barbecue and cold drinks for me. It had been a while since I last had barbecue. It was really delicious.


Honestly, I don’t have plans for next week. However, I'm excited to see what unfolds.

This is my entry to the INLEO monthly contest. Day 25. The topic is; what happend this week? What are your plans for the next and how can you make it happen?

Thumbnail by MetaAi

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