Life's Undulating Path "Lessons from Ups and Downs"

I mean to be quite frank life is not stairway; it is not an upward, progressive movement in which one goes from one step to another. It is complex; filled with moments of victory and failure; happiness and sadness; meaning and confusion.

Whereas in my opinion every turn in this process is a story, a message, and a lesson on a silver platter. It is not a line of milestones to be crossed that are the indicators of change and the tests of life,

but the events that help one form his character or get through life as through a roller coaster ride.

We also have these peak moments of joy when we transcend all the challeges, and just relish all the things that we do. That is what such moments show to us when we are informed that corresponding dreams can be achieved.

But here it lies concealed, where the real treasures are stored: during the time that is generally considered as the lowest point in people’s lives.

Frequently in the ordeals that life presents many a time, in the challenges and the failures that are achieved in life people are forced to rise up and look for strength that is within.

Humbleness and patience are also some of the effects of developing valleys in one’s life.

It makes people understand that even if you are a teetotaler, not everything is in your hand, and not all wrong things can be avoided. Thus, in one way, such experiences make one sit up and take cognizance and begin to look at the various aspects of life—sustenance of human life.

On the handling of such issues, they encourage people to be more empathetic as there are always other people involved as well.

Thus, life is beautiful if it is viewed in its entirety and with the positive potential of meeting with something new at any given moment. However, each move, each turn; each rise and fall to the sum of the experience.

In this particular case it is implied that those who want to consider high and low events of life mean that every pleasant or unpleasant event is beneficial to someone in the sense that they are going to learn something new.

That is why acceptance is the primary form of learning how to live: getting better, increasing in wisdom daily, and experiencing growth in the totality of their beings daily

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