Of Losing Someone, Grief & Such

An uncle's wife who was diagnosed with cancer over a year ago was called beyond the rainbows on Monday. It is an emotional time for the immediate family they are yet to decide when the interment will be. While waiting, we are here in their home to support them.

Death is a common denominator for us - we all end up there as no one lives forever. It is expected as it is how life has been destined. Even so, losing a loved one is a difficult experience, a painful phase that we go through in our lifetime. For some, it can be a relief especially when the person dies due to illness. That's when we often hear comments like "he/she can finally rest from physical pain..."

For others, it can be a moment of reflection, appreciation, reminiscing memories, regrets, remorse, and whatever else. It's a period of mixed emotions, of sorrow and grief above all.

This made me remember something I've read or heard ages ago. I don't recall the exact words but it said we shed tears when someone we care about passes away because it's how we let go of our unspoken love and guilt feelings.

Perhaps it's true because no matter how much we thought we had expressed or shown care, there is always something we forget (intentionally or not) to say or do. So when that someone leaves (especially unexpectedly), we are enveloped by extreme heartache we can't explain. Emotions come flooding in they choke us and crying is the only way we can let it all out so we can breathe a little.

(Alexey Demidov)

How we grieve differs from one to another too. Some people seem to move on quite quickly from a loss but for others, it's like a wound that never heals. None is wrong in any of that of course. But I do pray that this bereaved family will find solace and comfort in the happy and good memories of their beloved.🙏

Lead image by Karolina Kaboompics. 11092024/23:30utc

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