Rain: A natural blessing and a man-made curse

Hello my all dear Hivers

I hope your days are going as good as you all are.
Guys, I live in a town where it hardly rains but when it rains it does in abundance and the extreme hot weather becomes bearable. We have a great fun time when it rains and go out for different adventures but at the same time this blessing in my town is sometimes turned into curse by the management organisations of the city and thus it makes me say rain is a natural blessing and a man-made curse.

Natural blessing:
Rain is blessing in countless ways. With it rain brings moments of joy and it comes at a time when we are sick of heat and extreme weather. With the arrival of rain we get new fresh energy into ourselves which results into helping us live happy life. Rain washes all the trees and leaves around to give them fresh colors and life. Further, with the arrival of rain many farmers are really happy as they store rain water for cropping of the new season. Rain brings breeze in the atmosphere which wipes out all the fatigue caused by bad weather. With the help of rain the sand the keeps flying around and makes the environment dirty settles down because of rain and surroundings become cool.

A man-made curse:
Rain becomes a man-made curse in many ways. Firstly, the human management of the towns that is not managed properly and drainage system that is not looked after turns rain into disasters for the citizens and it brings a lot of diseases that are born due to stagnant water drainage system coming onto the roads.

Secondly, the roads and ways which are not properly constructed make things worse as rain water stays into the small ditches these roads have and the traffic jam becomes a every day problem. Also, people who throw waste on the roads and into the drainage system cause the rain water become stagnant and a disaster for the entire city.

Rain is really a blessing by God for the people of earth but the way we have constructed the land and due to our greed we have made the mess of the earth rain has been turning into a curse for all of us. We must, take proper actions to let the remain a blessing only. We must look after our drainage systems. Keep them clean and deep and our roads should be wast free and there should be no ditches on them. Only though practical actions we can change the scenario of our mother earth.

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