A Bee Gather Nectar Euphorbia Milii Flower - Seekor Lebah mengumpulkan Nektar Bunga Euphorbia Milii


That was almost at the midday, while I was sitting in front of my bedroom, I saw a Bee flow over one of Euphorbia milii flower.

Saat itu hampir tengah hari, ketika saya sedang duduk di depan kamar tidur saya, saya melihat seekor Lebah mengalir di atas salah satu bunga Euphorbia milii.(bunga mahkota duri).


Then, I had thought that was a good moment to take picture, so I get my smartphone and take a shoot. Actually it was really hard to get that photos because the won't stay at that flower in long time.

Lalu, saya berpikir itu saat yang bagus untuk mengambil gambar, jadi saya mengambil ponsel cerdas saya dan mengambil gambar. Sebenarnya sulit sekali mendapatkan foto tersebut karena bunga tersebut tidak akan bertahan lama.



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