A story of Tawakkul Ala Allah??🌹

Mr. Dawood Tai

There was a widow in their city and a lot of trouble fell on her. Seven of the children and the total amount collected is only three dirhams. In order to cope with the situation, she went and bought three dirhams worth of wool from the market, made something and sold it, and got five dirhams. She bought food and drink for two dirhams and bought wool for three dirhams. He lived like this for a few days, one day he drank food from the market and took the wool back home. For the woman, she wished for her whole universe to be robbed, she was scared of the horrors of the future and went mad with grief and anger.


On the second day, Syed Ha went to Mr. Dawood Tai's house and asked him a question after hearing his story, is our Lord merciful or cruel? Mr. Dawood Tai was consoling her in the world of trouble after listening to the painful story of the woman, when there was a knock on the door, he went and found ten strangers. He was asked about the purpose of his arrival and he said; Hazrat Hum was traveling in the sea when there was an inspection in our boat. The water was flowing so fast that we could clearly see our death. In this time of calamity, each one of us vowed that if Allah spared our lives, each one of us would give one thousand dirhams in charity. We were still praying that a bird from somewhere threw a ball of wool into our boat. Which we immediately anchored in the check, emptied the boat of water and headed straight to the nearest beach. Since we are strangers here, we asked the name of a reputable person from the people, and he sent us to you. This Legia will give ten thousand dirhams and two after finding the deserving ones from our side.

Dawood Tay, may God's mercy and blessings be upon him, was surprised and worried at this wisdom of the Lord, and went to his wife with ten thousand dirhams. He said while giving him all the money; Now I want to ask you a question: Is your Lord Merciful or Cruel?

The widow Dawood Tay was left staring at the face of Rehmatullah... tears were flowing from her eyes... as if every part of her body, every hair was being drowned in the gratitude of the Allah.

Allah's plans are better than our thoughts. Be thankful to Allah and have complete trust in Him. He does not leave anyone alone.

If we also trust and trust in Allah, then Allah is sufficient for you.


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