Sheikh Saadi's advice __!!


Hazrat Syedna Shaykh Saadi Alayhi Rahmatullahi Al-Hadi says in his famous book "Bustan": "The quality of a cat is that it looks for a clean place to defecate and then pours dirt on it, because it She doesn't like anyone to see her poop.


O man! How can you tolerate that someone sees the filthiness of your sins, you also need to put a veil of repentance on this filthiness, then you do not see that when the runaway slave comes back, the kind master needs to imprison him. Similarly, if you repent and come to Allah's presence, your work will be done. You should fight with someone who has the strength to fight, or you can defend yourself by seeking someone's shelter, these two things are impossible with God, so peace with Allah is better. Calculate the action today, tomorrow when the deeds will be opened, then there will be no compensation. Whoever repents after committing a sin, it is as if he did not commit any evil. Fear the sins today! So that you do not fear anyone on the Day of Resurrection.


(Bosta's advice: While committing a sin, at least a person should think that no matter how secretly I commit a sin, Allah is watching me. Because of this thought, it will help to avoid sins. Wise and wise. (That much advice is enough.)


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